<p>Hi! </p>
<p>I'm going to participate in the 2014 USABO, and I was thinking of the best way to prep. I've heard a lot of good stuff about Campbell's Biology, so I got the Seventh Edition and will start doing ~1 chapter every day (or two days). After I'm about 90% done with Campbell's, I'll start Raven's Plant Biology. </p>
<p>What else should I do to prep?</p>
<p>I also heard that Bruce Albert’s “Molecular Biology of the Cell” is somewhat helpful! 
And do you have access to the practice tests?</p>
<p>I dunno why I just now saw this lol</p>
<p>But yeah, I do. Some of the tests I found didn’t have answer keys, so idk.</p>
<p>So, do you think just by reading Campbells Book, we can make semifinalists? Is it too late to start now ?</p>
<p>Also, should I try to read it twice?</p>
<p>I don’t think it’s too late, really. I have only done a little bit of Campbell. My original plan was scrapped.
I’m starting again tomorrow 
Besides, we’ve got like 6 months to read the book. </p>
<p>As for semifinals, from what I’ve seen, yes. But NSQ, a former IBO’er, says that nothing is guaranteed, even if you read Campbell cover to cover. I think one read through will be enough, but if you’ve got time, no harm in going for two. I hope to see you at semifinals :D</p>
<p>IBO Gold medal winner Nikhil Buduma shares his high school experience this Friday evening. <a href=“http://springlighteducation.blogspot.com/”>http://springlighteducation.blogspot.com/</a></p>