<p>For those of you who don't know, there are 12 Science Olympiads in Math, Biology, Physics, Computer Science, Linguistics, Chemistry, Philosophy, Earth Science, Geology, Astrology and a bunch of others (Link to Wiki:International</a> Science Olympiad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) that are as prestigious as Intel and Seimens. (The US only does like the first six, so sorry all you geologists) Do any of you have any good stratigies for any of them? I know Center For Talented Youth @ Johns Hopkins has something on it and I have all the resources, but I was interested if anyone wanted to know more or knew anything that I could know too. (BTW the Math Olympiad is crazy hard, so I'm in the Bio one. Also, the US winners go to an international olympiad in a bunch of cool places like Bern for 2013</p>
<p>Sorry to rain on your parade, but there’s a thread titled Official USABO 2013 thread or something like that. It’s located under Sat/Act, sciences, and voila! I didn’t know of the other Olympiads aside from chem, phys, and comp until this thread.</p>
<p>Actually, it’s nice that you posted this. If you jump into the official USABO thread, there will be nothing but jargon. :P</p>
<p>I have just found that out :(</p>
<p>But the 2012 page has notes, links and tests from former IBO’ers