Hey! I’m new to the USACO, but I really want to learn how to code (JAVA script is what I’m going for). I tried submitting a code in the form, but it said I needed to import that file? Do I need to download a specific app to make files for coding? I know some people use Android Studios for Javascript, so would that work? Any advice would be appreciated, and maybe some tips on how to practice. Thanks!
@friedchickenman , thanks for your advice! How should I learn to code in Java, or at least get an intro? Are there certain websites that can help, or apps?
Did you try submitting a past contest problem or the USACO training pages? For the USACO training pages, you need to make a comment at the top that’s along the lines of
and you also have to open the provided file. In C, how you would do this is
FILE *fin = fopen (“x.in”, “r”), *fout = fopen (“x.out”, “w”);
where x is the name of the file. For the past USACO problems, you don’t need to do the comments with the ID LAND and TASK, but you do need read in the files.
There are so many resources online to choose from for programming; the best language for competitive programming is C++ (I use C, which isn’t that different), so that is what I would learn, although Java is useful for the AP CSA class.
Once you get the basics down to the point where you can start solving easy problems, I recommend going to a website called Codeforces. They have competitions every week in USACO format and thousands of past competition problems which will help a lot for USACO. Good luck!
@squ1rrel , thanks! I’ll look into it!