USAFA Summer Seminar?

<p>I applied and was contacted by my liason officer for an interview. The interview is scheduled for this weekend. Is an interview usually required before a decision is made whether to grant me acceptance to the SS ? What can I expect during the interview ? Thanks, K</p>

<p>I think it’s probably up to your ALO’s disgression. I had one.
Just be prepared to answer questions about why you want to go and why you deserve to go (academics, leadership activities, anything else cool about you or that you’ve done…)</p>

<p>if you have further questions, ask :)</p>

<p>I was going to put something else in here, but changed my mind and edited it out.</p>

<p>Also, as with my interview with my ALO it was my first time meeting him. It was more of a get to know you and see what you’re about/informational session about the academy and the air force. </p>

<p>May be different with yours, but I actually enjoyed it.</p>

<p>I didn’t meet with my ALO before I recieved my summer seminar acceptance, but I have a meeting set up in March. Like drumsrock24 said, it is probably more of a get to know you/ informative session.</p>

<p>I got accepted to Summer Seminar, and I am going to Session 3, but I didn’t have an interview with my ALO. I haven’t even spoken to him yet.</p>

<p>I have known my ALO for about 2 years now and we keep in constant contact. We had scheduled an interview for Summer Seminar after he met with my parents a few weeks ago. Just a few days ago though, i received notification of acceptance to the program! So we canceled the interview, thus never needing one. Anyone going to session 3? And am i the only one whos going to miss a day of school? I can’t wait, only a few months to go!</p>

<p>I also did not have an interview before I was accepted into summer seminar. The first time I met with my ALO was to do the actual admission interview. For the interview, know your resume well and be ready to expand on your different achievements. He or she will ask how you demonstrated initiative and leadership in each individual event. One of the last things my ALO asked me was if I had any objections to fighting in the current war. Answer honestly, but I caution you if your answer is YES, you wont be getting into the academy (for obvious reasons). It wasn’t bad at all, just be yourself and youll do fine!</p>

<p>I think you mean “if your answer is yes”… ;)</p>

<p>you say tomatoe I say tomoto ;)</p>

<p>Missmuff, what does disgression mean? I tried to look it up and could not find the definition.</p>

<p>I think she meant discretion ;)</p>

<p>Apparently you did not detect my attempt at subtle humor.</p>

<p>Oh wow Soaring Dad. Never even noticed it…</p>

<p>woops, my bad.</p>

<p>Kinda of confused…whats an ALO?</p>

<p>I got accepted without an interview or anything…I’m hoping to go to session 3 if I can afford it :)</p>

<p>admissions liaison officer. the academy will assign you an officer to help you with all these processes based on your geographical location.</p>

<p>lol do you go to year round school?</p>

<p>mine was during my summer break.</p>

<p>Fortester- If you are pretty certain that you want to attend a SA, you’ll need to make a priority check. Taking a week off of school so you can check out a college is nothing out of the ordinary to do. You’ll have to ask youself if it’s worth missing a few days of school to have the potential to decide where you want to go. My school ended the thursday before I went to SS last year.<br>
If you’re accepted and decide to go, most of the teachers (all of mine) will be extremely supportive and make accomodations for you!</p>

<p>well, i’d agree with marvin to a point.</p>

<p>however, if you think your grades will suffer by taking a week from school towards finals, summer seminar is not all that important.</p>

<p>you might ask your teachers if you can take finals early (that’s what i did).</p>

<p>if you’re a junior in high school now though, it’s too late because admissions for ss closed yesterday.</p>