<p>Hi. I've been admitted to USC for the fall of 2013, and have deposited there. However, in my second semester of 2013, I slacked off an enormous amount. Consequently, as it stands, I have a mix of Bs, Cs, and Ds. With one F. My school has strong relations with the admissions department, but I'm not sure that will be enough. Nobody from my school has ever had their offers rescinded. I think I'm going to be the first. </p>
<p>What are my chances of maintaining my acceptance, and going on to becoming a trojan? </p>
<p>Also, any advice? ):</p>
<p>Are those your final grades or 2nd semester grades?</p>
<p>This is what was at the bottom of my acceptance letter. I am a transfer student.</p>
<p>You are admitted on the condition you earn a GPA of 3.5 or higher in the spring courses you listed in your application, with no individual grade lower than C (2.0). You will
be permitted to register for classes only after we receive an official transcript that verifies you have met these conditions. You should provide this transcript before coming to Orientation.</p>
<p>I’m not sure if that is at the bottom of the freshman letter.</p>
<p>Good luck.</p>
<p>If those are your final grades, I wouldn’t be surprised if you got rescinded. D’s and that F are automatically going to raise eyebrows in the admissions office.</p>
<p>Those are my second semester grades. My first semester grades are fine.</p>
<p>I was not admitted with a GPA requirement, no.</p>
<p>I’ve emailed my regional representative, a person I met with in the admissions office, and is now in the process of asking my teachers for mercy, and to accept late assignments. All of them have agreed, except for the teacher that gave me an F ):</p>
<p>The only way I see you not getting rescind is if you have a good reason why your grades are poor. Even if you have one F, it’s still going to result in some questioning.</p>
<p>If your first semester grades are good and you end up with decent FINAL grades then you will be fine. However, if you still end with any Ds or Fs for FINAL grades then…you may be rescinded.</p>
<p>Oh! So my second SEMESTER grades are of lesser concern? My final grades are fine. Is this straight from the admissions office? :o</p>
<p>What matters is the FINAL grades that are sent on your FINAL transcript post completion of 12th grade (unless the classes in question are semester long classes…in that case those would be your final grades but it doesn’t seem so).</p>
<p>Thank you. I’m taking the IB full diploma, so all classes are year long. Or two-year long, depending on how you look at it.</p>
<p>Hopefully I work everything out in the end
Have a good day!</p>
<p>Edit: Wait. My school operates off the semester system, has semester exams, and reports for each semester. Does this change things?</p>
<p>^ If a D or F will appear on your transcript, which you must send to USC, you may be rescinded.
No, this is from an anonymous online forum. For information straight from the admissions office you will need to contact the admissions office.</p>
<p>I understand. I did have pretty severe family issues throughout this year, but I really let things slip. Total regret.</p>
<p>The admissions office actually did say that they typically rescind if the student did not tell them beforehand. If the student failed to inform the office about their situation, and simply presents them with Ds or even Fs…then it’s often a rescinded offer.</p>
<p>Hopefully college applicants who read this will be more careful about their grades, regardless of whether I get rescinded or not.</p>
<p>I actually know someone in USC with a 35 predicted IB, but then failed (3’s for HLs) , and still went to USC, if that helps.</p>