<p>i got in usc school of business and i am pretty much set my mind on going there.. (well still deciding between vanderbilt and usc) but im just wondering just how much of a party school is usc?? does everyone go out most days of the week or something? i dont drink/smoke/anything of this sort.. i just dont know how well i can fit in.. can anybody (current students preferably) shed some light on that? thank you!</p>
<p>The image of USC as only a party school is a relic from the '80s. There are a lot of people who don't get involved in alcohol/tobacco/etc. I would even say USC is a lot "drier" in fact than most other large universities.</p>
<p>heck in the engineering school (dunno about business but I figure it's the same) a lot of people are far too busy to party at all most weekdays :)</p>
<p>hehe, i did the explore USC program there on a thursday. Let me just say that Thursday nights are wild! Since you're doing business, you probably will be partying a lot and will inevitably enjoy your stay at USC.</p>
<p>Yeah, there isn't a whole lot to do on campus during the evenings, so there is somewhat of a party scene here., especially on the row.</p>
<p>However, in my opinion, most of the the people who I've met that like to party are disciplined and know that there's a time to work and a time to study. Basically, that means we don't have many of the types of students who can't control themselves and end up screwing themselves over.</p>
<p>I don't drink/smoke, or do anything of that sort, and I'm getting along fine because there's plenty of people who aren't the party types, and those who are know when to control themselves.</p>
<p>sc has it's "party" social life if you want to be involved in that, and it has other ways for you to be social too. Just because you are considering coming here do not think you will be forced into the stereotypical greek life and it's parties in order for you to have a social life. there are other ways for you to be social. I will admit SC does have it's shares of parties, but not everybody in the school is on the ROW everyweekend. if you do decide to partake in partying... or anything remember moderation. also most frat parties have guest lists for their parties meaning most guys who aren't on the list who aren't friends with guys or in the frat itself won't be able to get in. girls will mostly be able to get into any frat party</p>
<p>yeah, if it were that way, me and sh0rtie would not be here replying to this thread!</p>
<p>I'm an engineer, so it may be different for business. I go out to parties only rarely, and I don't drinik, smoke, nor anything of that sort. I think I fit in just fine. There's a great diversity of people here on both ends of the spectrum.</p>
<p>would poor ppl like me fit in fine?</p>
<p>I don't think being poor/rich has anything to do with it.</p>
<p>Is it possible that I can't fit in because I can't spend $ like most ppl who go there? I mean, since USC costs so much, a majority of the peopel going there (I assume) are way richer than me and that I might find myself not fitting in their circles? Just wondering. I don't want to be an outsider.:(</p>
<p>You really shouldn't worry about that. There are rich and poor people everywhere. You will be fine. Trust me.</p>
<p>Don't worry. That's all I'll say.</p>
<p>college is what you make of it. usc is so big, you'll find your own niche. don't worry =)</p>
<p>Yeah...that's a bit harsh on yourself. I'm middle-class so I'll take care of you :) lol. Wherever you go, you'll fit in somewhere.</p>