USC Admission Stipulation

<p>In my letter of acceptance I was told I needed to make a 3.5GPA for spring quarter. I earned a 3.6, a 3.7 and then a 2.9. This averaging to a 3.4. Do you guys think I'm in danger of getting my acceptance revoked? I can write a letter explaining, teacher was out of line imo. He didn't like me, told me to my face that my writing was a 4.0, but he just didn't like it. Thus giving me a 2.9 in the class (Enviro ethics). Class was very small, about 15 people. I am in the process of challenging the grade, I do have the majority of the class that is willing to back me up 100%. For example he gave me a 3.2 for participation when I was the most active student in class.. just he didn't like me.. Any opinions are greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>Well, I was in danger of getting below a 3.5 likeā€¦2 weeks ago but i brought my grades up and got a 4.0 (haha, i know) Anways, the point of telling you that was that I e-mailed my admisison counselor about these admisison conditions, and it seems as though they are pretty strict with it. BUT, I have heard of a person on here who got a 3.4 (needed a 3.5) and their admission counselor said it was ok, thus his admission did not get rescinded. Try e-mailing your admission counselor to see what you can do; maybe tell him what you went through? Good Luck!</p>