USC Cinematic Arts Chances?

<p>I've got about a 3.7 average (91.5) unweighted, (and 105 weighted) and a 1950 SAT so far (I retook them a couple days ago).
My english teacher is grading (and correcting for grammar) my class's application essays and she's extremely picky, but well-read so hopefully the essay will be decent.
I'm in the hardest classes possible for my HS (All level 1's and 5 APs by the end of HS).
I'm in the top 10% of my graduating class and have recieved highest honors (above 100 weighted average) throughout every term of my HS career.
The teacher's I'm getting recommendations from are my very kind junior year english teacher, and my video production teacher who i've had for four years (he's a good guy, i'm one of his favorite students).
I've had a job for over a year now which i work at 9 hours a week, and by the time i graduate it will be with recognition in video production (100 hours of video related community service).
I've done track for two years (both indoor and outdoor)(fresh and soph), debate club for two (junior and senior), I started up a film club in my school my senior year (this year),I was elected the public relations officer for student council my senior year (I've done student council junior and senior years).
I created a PSA for a DMV video competition and I received finalist status as well as a scholastic gold key for that video. A news video on the FBI cyber crime unit I created was also selected for air on the FOX student news.
My portfolio is about half done; it's coming out pretty well but we'll see...
Also, I'm from Connecticut.</p>

<p>Sorry about the length...I realize I probably have low chances so just give it to me straight.</p>

<p>No one can accurately chance you without seeing your portfolio, as SCA places A LOT of emphasis on that aspect of your application.</p>

<p>That makes sense…does anybody know what they’re looking for in a portfolio and their acceptance rate?</p>

<p>No one knows the SCA rate for sure, but it has been quoted as anything 2-6% AKA incredibly selective. They tell you what they are looking for a portfolio in the application procedure. Their admissions process is pretty secretive so no one here will really be able to tell you your chances or anything like that. :/</p>

<p>Good luck to you. I applied to film production also and have been told USC only accepts about 50 applicants. Also agree with everyone here that it’s really your portfolio that either gets you in or not. The other thing about USC is all the legacy applicants. Did you apply anywhere else? I also applied to LMU and Chapman.</p>

<p>Well, SCA is competitive but the picture is a little brighter than that. Incoming freshman: SCA accepts approx 75 Crit. Studies, 50 Production, 12 Interactive Media, 26 Screenwriting. </p>

<p>Doesn’t seem like legacy plays any part in SCA decisions or even USC admissions this decade. It may appear big-celeb family have an edge, but we hear of many (many) big names that do not get admitted to SCA so, unless the big-celeb parent has passed along some big-talent genes and work-ethic to their students, even having an Oscar-winning dad is not an auto-accept to SCA (or even USC). </p>

<p>SCA is going to want to build a class, so they will try to find a mix of voices. If they find a lot of filmmakers with one sort of passion (indie rom/com for instance) with great portfolios, it may be a more competitive year for that specialty. A lot of students with wonderful talent, passion, and great portfolios may not get into this program (Stephen Spielberg was rejected twice) but will ultimately have great careers. Take your best shot–you never know!–and apply to lots of other good programs.</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>