***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

And today FA asked for yet another item from my applicant daughter that they previously requested from my current student daughter. I am posting this simply so that future applicants reviewing this thread may be able to extract some useful insights as to potential FA indicators. Again, this will all hinge on the admission decision that still remains two weeks away.

My daughter has 12 pending college decisions between now & April 1st. But USC, for whatever reason, is the only one asking for these items and clarifications. Even the 3 colleges that have already admitted her are not asking for such via their FA Offices. USC seems to be a different breed when it comes to Financial Aid.

@WWWard sounds like a positive sign to me!

@WWWard ! admire your daughter’s stamina for applying to 15 universities! Good luck!
My son bagged out at 7.

@mominfl Thanks. And good luck to him.

Yes… it took stamina and perseverance, but she was also done with all 15 applications + supplements by Sept. She was done with all before most of her classmates even started their first.

But I think that it was driven more out of fear and uncertainty than anything else. Three years ago, we sort of found it hard to believe when we first read numerous articles and accounts online about what they referred to as the “plight of overachieving unhooked white female college applicants” who were these days being routinely rejected by elite colleges due to the overabundance of such similar applicants. Back in my day, the worst thing to be was an overachieving white male applicant, as they made up the bulk of the applicant pool then. Not so today. Many articles stated that the only thing worse today than being her demographic was being Asian or Asian-American of either gender… and again this is all due to the huge #s of such qualified applicants applying everywhere vs the # of such applicants that colleges are willing to accept. Since the goal is to craft a well-balanced and demographically diverse freshman class, only a certain # of each type can gain admission.

Because of articles describing nearly perfect (at least on paper and in terms of stats) applicants getting rejected everywhere they applied to ( I recall one girl with a 4.0 uw GPA and a 2380 SAT getting rejected at all 7 schools that she had applied to), I actually let my older daughter apply to 17 in total, including 3 safeties. I have to admit that I too was curious about the latest trends & wanted to see the results. Honestly, even though 13 of the colleges were all top-25, I still expected her to get into at least 8-10 out of the 17 in total.

Anyhow, we then watched my older daughter (3.98 uw, 98th percentile SAT and ACT, 7 APs, strong ECs, etc) get rejected by 12 of the 17. Thankfully she got into USC and attends there now. But that cycle/pattern was enough to convince my younger daughter (with similar but slightly better stats) to apply to 15 (with 3 new ones in the mix this time).

And thankfully, she already has 3 admits, including one top program. But USC remains her dream scenario.

Does anyone know when usc will release trustee results? Will it be the same day as regular admissions? I just want to know if we will be able to afford it ir not.

@letsshare Nope, it’s about a week earlier than regular admissions I believe.

@LayraSparks, thank you for your response. Glad to hear that we will find out sooner than later!

Are all of the merit scholarships already sent out? Or are certain ones going to be sent out before/when we get our acceptances? Thanks :slight_smile:

@kimisocali All the major ones have been selected/sent out I believe but there are some smaller scholarships that will probably be given when admissions decisions come out.

@nervous17yearold @kimisocali Trustee and Presidential finalists have been selected and have come to campus to be interviewed, but recipients have not yet been chosen or notified. There are other scholarships (Dean’s, Leadership, etc.) that are yet to be awarded. All merit scholarship notifications will be made by April 1st, about a week after admissions decisions are mailed.

Could the USC decisions arrive earlier than apr 1?

@AnArcticMonkey last year people received mail of acceptance around the 23-27; the dates such depending on where you live I imagine

Supposedly being sent March 23. Not a fan of the Thursday mailing - that puts a Sunday in there (no mail for most) for those in 3 day zone, so an extra day of torture for a lot of people.

Do all finalists for Trustee and presidential get informed at the same time and will the results come out next weekend?
Also for those finalists who don’t get Presidential or Trustee, do they get other smaller scholarships? Thank you.

@uscfan17 We historically hear back one week before the regular decisions are released. Who knows what will happen this year. And yes, if the finalists do not do well in their interviews they tend to get smaller scholarships like the deans.

to be fair i think the portal updates on sunday so you could check there @CADREAMIN

Just thinking of the postal 3-day people missing their mailbox moment which is the entire purpose of not posting them right away for everybody. Which at this point in time with technology as is, I think many would prefer. I like the boom at the mailbox, but I see how many think it is getting to be like Wimbledon not putting up a roof and lights for all those years. Get over it already. :slight_smile:

The only downside of the mailbox notification is when the two day delivery does not arrive until day three, while others living half an hour away received the mail on day two. The updated profile on the morning of day three was helpful, since the mail does not arrive until very late in the day.

If I live half an hour away, will I get the package Thursday (if I’m accepted)? If I’m rejected, I should expect to see something Friday in the mail, right?

@jkgreen27 I imagine they would email the decisions to international students?
Unless they want us to wait until the portal is updated.