***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

@WWWard no invite here yet. I was just curious because I hadn’t heard anyone say they had gotten one yet. If someone had, then I would mentally move on LOL! Someone on the Drama boards said it would likely come next week right before the acceptances so we shall see!

Crazy mom posting here…I just had to call the FA regarding an email from the college board saying USC needed my son’s Noncustodial Parent Profile. He is actually deceased, but there is no way to to indicate that on the form so I needed some guidance. It turns out the email was wrong and they have everything they need.

So, the person (a student) who answered asked for his name and birth date even though he is not a current student. I specified that but at first he didn’t catch it. Anyway, my son’s account (his word, not mine) came up as well as some “notes.” Is this an indicator of anything? Are all applicants in the same database as existing students? Does this change when decisions are made? I am making myself nuts trying to figure out if this is an indicator of acceptance, or if his info was pulled up from a database of all applicants, accepted or rejected.

Anyone able to talk me down?

I’ve got nothing @Jamsmama. Just hang in there. I have to say not knowing when they are coming out (as has happened to my son with a couple of schools) is easier because it just kind of bam!, hits you instead of being anxious about it. It’s almost over, if it is any consolation.

@Jamsmama I don’t think you should take anything from that as an indicator for now. If you call FA, they have a file on every applicant that applied for FA. If you don’t have his student ID, (something applicants have as well as current students) they have to verify identity through name and birthday. And if you call FA for a current student, you talk to the same people as applicants. And while it seems good they have “the file” there is no way to tell - FA is a separate process and they do process FA for kids accepted and kids not. If you let yourself think it is in indicator over the next week and he doesn’t get in, it would be even more devastating, so let it go for now.

If you think this time is crazy, wait till you know they have been mailed - ahhhhhhh - it’s torture. No offense to CC, but it can make this next week even worse, it’s a place where anxiety congregates and breeds. All I can suggest is to enjoy this time of ambiguity - he isn’t going anywhere yet. But once he gets into the school he will likely attend, the joy is also surrounded by the realization they are going away! Do things and talk to him about things not college, keep yourself busy in anyway you can. You have been doing all you can for the last 18 years, there is nothing you can do at this point. Best of luck to you and your son! Fight On!

@Jamsmama As an applicant, you have an USC ID. If you are admitted, it remains as your USC ID. If not, they will likely just recycle it at some point.

Nothing you said in your post is a confirming “indicator” yet, as they do sort of treat applicants the same as current students in FA terms. But there has been some questions over the years as to just how far they will take it. With so many applicants overall (almost 56K) & only 9K or so who get in, does FA fully complete every single FA application…or do they sort of know which ones that they have to finalize? I do not know the answer to that. And I have never seen an insider post the answer either.

But last week FA reached out to us with 3 different requests related to my daughter, a current applicant, and my older daughter too (2), a current USC junior. We too want to take those as positive indicators. But the truth is, we cannot be sure.

Good Luck though…

Thank you, @CADREAMIN! I will take your excellent advice.


In 2013, it was March 21st when the SDA invitations (early admission indicator) arrived. Then, it was 7 days before the actual admission packets arrived. In 2014, it was also a 7 day interval. So… if they are being sent the 23rd this year, arriving likely the 25th or so, then I suspect that SDA Invitations are being mailed today – for arrival Saturday. That would be my best guess…

Good Luck

Remember though, internationals and many at USC aren’t applying for FA (there are a lot of full pays there), I have read less than half of the applications have an FA component. Remember if a parent gets a Parent Loan that is still considered FA and there isn’t much processing on their part. Still a large number, but not all the applicants.

And among those fortunate enough to be accepted there will be much sadness (and anger) regarding insufficient financial/merit $$. It’s a very emotional time.

Hopefully the NCAA basketball tournament (and office pools) will divert our attention a little.

I have one current Trojan and a Trojan hopeful-but-unlikely. Trying to enjoy the ride. Best of luck to all!!

USC only admitted 8500 first year freshman this year, and the number keeps decreasing. Saw this on their instagram, I am so anxious.

How many applied? Like 60K Thats only 14% acceptance

That instagram picture seemed to refer to the number of packets they’re sending out next week. That wouldn’t include the 1000+ they admitted over a month ago.

@youcee ahh that makes sense and helps

Well, it sounds like they locked in the acceptances already. I guess it is too late for my daughter to update them about the 3 best in state (1 group and 2 individual) awards that she received today. Oh well…

I just wish that colleges could see the applicants at work preparing for these college submissions. With the SCA supplements as well, my daughter’s time dedicated toward applying to USC was greater than the energy she put into all the other 14 colleges combined. I am not sure if that will translate though. And she is clearly not alone. Many creative major applicants likely dedicated scores of hours toward their creative portfolios & submissions. Writing scripts and producing short films especially are very time consuming. I just hope that each got reviewed for more than just a few minutes.

I now wonder if the 8500 admits includes the 1200 or so from January or not. I guess it depends on whether they perceive their yield rate to be climbing or not. If their goal remains just 3K freshmen who actually enroll at USC, and if the projected yield rate is still 33-34%, maybe the 8500 does include Jan’s #s. 9700 acceptances could equate to potentially too many freshmen commits. But… here’s hoping they are fine with 3300-3500 new Trojans.

@youcee I believe in the past they have also sent out normal admissions packets to those who received scholarships… Hoping this is false though because I want to be one of those 8500!

Are they also posting results on the portal on the 23rd, or just by mail?

@it622 Mailed the 23rd. Portals updated the 26th. Per… http://admission.usc.edu/

@WWWard Thank you!

Did anything come out on portal for trustee, presidential decisions?? Where would it be.

I’m getting a package from LA that’s expected to come in the 23rd is that just coincidence or something else