***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

@marg928 That letter has been around for awhile. It is a form letter sent to people on the edge of getting reviewed further, so senior grades will matter. It is your strong interest they are referring to so not sure that means anything. Overall the means they want to see good senior grades to consider app further. So you are not in any further, but not out either. So all status quo. Might use caution with this info with finals coming up, don’t want to put more pressure on the kids than their already is, but she should just do her best. Good luck to you and your daughter!

@CADREAMIN thank God her first quarter grades were really great with a full course load including three AP’s. We visited the school summer 2015, maybe they know that and hence the “strong interest” comment.

Those who’ve be through this before with USC - does @marg928’s daughter’s email mean she is not in the running for merit any more since they want to see her midyear grades and consider her application incomplete without them? Or does everyone get that email?

I’m not expecting any merit money for her…stats are not at that level. Her rSAT is 1220 and ACT 25. She’s applying to BFA Acting.

Chance me?
Applying for Computer engineering
ACT 29 (28 Math, 34 science, 29 english, 24 reading, 10/12 writing)
GPA: 4.121
10 APs, 7 honors
Student cultural experiences in Cuba, nicaragua, costa rica
Foreign exchange student to Argentina, while volunteering at a school teaching english
Top-notch essays and teacher recs
Ethnicity: cuban
Job: @ an italian restaurant 15-30 hrs/wk 52 wks/yr since 10th grade

@marg928 That’s great about her grades, just so you know if you search that first line you can find the exact same letter posted here in 2014. Not to rain on a parade, but this is a letter sent to many so the strong interest refers to spending $80 bucks and applying I suppose :slight_smile: versus anything personal. I have seen other schools ask for LORs (like UCs that don’t require them). Same kind of thing, the good news is they mean the student is not out of the running, but they need more info.

For those of you trying to self-evaluae your chances for admission, here is how USC itself has rated the relative importance of these academic and non-academic factors in their admission decisions.

Very Important:

Academic GPA
Application Essay
Rigor of secondary school record
Standardized Test Scores


Extracurricular Activities


Alumni Relation
Character/Personal Qualities
Class Rank
First generation college student
Racial/Ethnic Status
Volunteer Work
Work Experience

Clearly however, certain artistic, creative or performance based majors are going to place a greater emphasis on their requested supplements. For them, a subjective analysis of your talent may sway things in your favor. But please also keep in mind that USC in general, as the overall university, must first accept you. In essence you are applying twice - to USC and to the School housing your major. Or, it is also possible to only be accepted by USC, as Undeclared in terms of your major (meaning that USC accepted you but that the Schools you were seeking to enter did not).

In terms of USC overall, the most recent freshman profile can be viewed via this link:


Good Luck

Chance me for Marshall Business School
GPA: 4.5 Weighted, 3.91 UW
ACT; 31 Composite

-Scholastic Bowl (Captain)
-Freshman Mentoring (Senior year)
-Flag bearing at church

Illinois State Scholar
AP Scholar with Honor
IL Seal of Biliteracy

First gen college student, male, white

Major: Business Administration

I know this is irrelevant, but USC is my dream school, so I really want to know my chances.

Chance me’s for USC are impossible since they are so holistic, but this thread is still great info:


Has anyone applied to Viterbi and received their magazine in the mail with a letter thanking them for applying? I’ve searched the forums and it seems like not everyone applying to Viterbi gets the magazine. Does anyone know anything about who gets it? Has anyone else received it or not received it??

Don’t read anything into getting the magazine in terms of admittance. People will try to find one little thing that makes a situation different. USC has been doing this along time and isn’t that stupid to have an indicator out there. And student aren’t gonna crack some secret code…But there will be lots of theories over next few months when someone gets something in the mail, someone can’t get in their portal, or a change to portal - they will freak and think it means something. None of it means anything until the packet or rejection letter comes.

Wait… when do decisions come out?

See post #156 in this thread.

@CADREAMIN I don’t think there is anything wrong with asking if anyone else has received or not received the Viterbi magazine. I looked through other years’ posts and there were people who said they didn’t receive it and then later didn’t get in. Isn’t that what this forum is about - sharing information that helps others get through this tough time? Knowing that Viterbi gets thousands of applications, receiving a hand signed letter makes a person (reasonably) wonder. It’s not like I’m asking for speculation or chancing; I was just looking for facts/data that everyone applying to Viterbi can look at.

And to your assumption, “USC has been doing this along time and isn’t that stupid to have an indicator out there.” - someone else could just as easily assume they wouldn’t be that mean-spirited to send it to everyone, even those they know have no chance of being admitted, just to show them more of the awesome school they are going to miss out on.

My daughter applied to Viterbi and received that magazine and letter on Friday. We didn’t read anything into it, but it it was a good confirmation that they have her application.

@azmomof3 Hello! When did your daughter submit her USC application?

How many Viterbi applicants do we have? :slight_smile:

@hopingforusc Didn’t mean to make you feel bad about asking the question at all, was just trying to indicate there are a lot of little things that will happen that make students think they are in, and I just hate to see heartbroken students come January and March. The Viterbi magazine comes to applicants and is even sent to some that haven’t even applied but have expressed interest through touring, attending Meet USC, etc. Sorry if it sounded like a dis, wasn’t meant to be at all. With having several students accepted to USC/attending, been there done exactly what you are doing - looking for hints! Hope it stays fun and not stressful. Viterbi is fabulous btw. Good luck!

I believe it was right before the 12/1 deadline.

Anyone else get an offer on facebook to “Join the USC community to see what’s happening around campus.”?