***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

So if they mail on the 23rd, and it takes 2 days for priority mail to deliver to Louisiana, should it come on 25th or 26th?

Thanks @jmek15 @PAwind98 @Wynn22

So just how competitive is UCLA? in-state acceptance rate? OOS acceptance rate?

@179410tran you should receive it on the 25th in Louisiana.

Congrats, @Chips99

18% acceptance rate, close to USC.

I am stunned the scholarship info didn’t get out today - where is @someusckid when you need him? He seems to be the one with the inside track, the rest of us are following his lead!

It has come the Friday RD is out before for the last many many many years. That’s why I love using the word “supposedly” in my predictions. so I don’t take a cc beating. :slight_smile:

What are the chances of one rejected from UCLA to get into USC

@WWWard sorry to hear about your daughter, but I’m glad she is not too disappointed. From your posts, it seems like usc is tops for her anyway, so i will keep my fingers crossed for her. My son is thinking of framing any rejection letters he gets…doesnt want that to define him.

Hold up, i missed something, usc did not send out scholarship results today?

@WWWard Thanks! :slight_smile:

CADREAMIN and others,

This is what Tim Brunold , the Head of Admissions at USC , [who has the ultimate inside track, lol ], had to say TODAY to me regarding how and when USC informs accepted NMF students who have already decided or decide that USC is their first choice.

“NMSC periodically sends us rosters of NMFs who have indicated that USC is their first-choice. We have already received one such roster and expect a couple more before the end of the month
• Once we’ve selected our admitted class (which, as you know, will be done next week), we then formally award Presidential Scholarships to admitted NMFs, and send them an award letter.
• NMSC continues to send rosters throughout April and May, with the last one usually coming in late May. This piecemeal approach causes no real problems for us; we just keep making Presidential awards as student’s names show up.”

So guys, you will have to wait a little bit longer.

He reiterated that accepted NMF’s, who make USC their first choice before the May deadline, WILL receive a 1/2 tuition scholarship.

“Students don’t need (and never have had) to tell NMSC before May 1 that we are their first choice and I believe that NMSC allows students to change their designation anytime between now and the end of May. Bottom-line is that as long as we receive a roster from NMSC with an admitted student’s name on it indicating a USC first-choice, he or she will be awarded a Presidential, regardless of when that roster comes to us.”

@noxcen happened to my D for what it’s worth Samuelli ME/Viterbi ME. The UCs have different concerns than USC in many cases. She also had friends not get into USC but get into UCLA.

Dornsife to UCLA L&A is probably a decent amount of overlap, but it’s impossible to tell. Both schools have to say “no” to 8 out of 10 applicants. They are going to have to ding some good students due to space limitations.

Thanks, @CADREAMIN I looked up the #s too for UCLA… Total applicants: 97,121 Wow, that is a staggering #. Admitted: 17,474 Enrolled: 6,545. 18% of applicants admitted. I would suspect that it may be harder for OOS applicants though.

Thanks, @letsshare

Overall, it seems very hard to predict these things - comparing admission between colleges. My daughter has already known friends/applicants to get into schools with an 11% acceptance rate who were also denied at colleges with a 30% acceptance rate. These colleges all have their own criteria and priorities.

I would think so too, they had pressure the last 12-24 months to increase instate acceptances, which I believe went into effect this year, but they sure do like that OOS $.

wrong thread lol

Can someone tell me how and when we will receive our decisions? Can we check online through a portal, or do we wait for the mail? Thanks in advance!

Just got rejected from UCLA. Right now … praying XD

When does USC release decisions? Is it online or via snailmail? Thanks in advance

Decisions are being mailed on the 23rd. Portals update on 26th… just after midnight Pacific.

Midnight going into the 26th or midnight going into27th?

Would you guys say that USC is more holistic than the UC’s? I was accepted at Berkeley, LA, SD, Davis, Irvine and SB (the last three with Regents) so I was wondering what my chances are at USC, although I know no one can say for sure. I was rejected from merit at SC.

I got into USC but got rejected from UCLA. They look for entirely different things. There is hope!

@kesmeekar Congrats on USC. The fact that they look for entirely different things is what has me worried!