***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

@CollegeMom48 My mom wasn’t too thrilled about the idea of me going to UCLA for similar reasons because even though we live in state, taking 5 years to graduate would cost almost as much as going to USC for 4 years. She wasn’t too bummed when I didn’t get in yesterday lol. She and my dad both went to USC so I guess that contributed to her feelings as well.

Thank you @WWWard you’re always so helpful!

Hey guys I just started a GroupMe for USC Class of 2021. Anyone who wants to join is welcome! Here’s the link:

does anyone know what time exactly USC releases their decisions?

Also, one more question! Will rejection letters be delivered on the 25th as well?

@collegekid171 Acceptances are sent through priority mail while rejections are sent normally so if you are rejected it might take longer to find that out.

When are scholarship interviewees expected to get scholarship results?

I live in an apartment complex. Do acceptance packages get delivered to the doorstep or in the mailbox?

@collegekid171 you’re welcome

@lvzdays If it does not come in the mail on Saturday, the 25th, just check the portal after midnight… early Sunday morning, the 26th, L.A. time.

Rejected from UCLA and this makes me nervous about USC

so if acceptances are mailed on the 23rd, do you guys think that would it reach the bay area on the 24th or 25th?

Just got accepted to UCLA but really want usc! can the 27th come already!!


Does anyone have any idea when scholarship info might come out? Everyone in the GroupMe for finalists were super pumped about it yesterday morning and it didn’t come out…all day…

There seems to be highly educated folks in this thread about the college process. I’m curious about hearing a different perspective.

We, the customers, are contributing to the low acceptance rate percentages by applying to so many colleges. We are giving away some of our power as customers. I’ve read about some applying to 10+ colleges. What’s the point of that?

It just occurred me, there should be a rule that no student can apply to more than 5-10 schools. :slight_smile: Similar to the ED rule but very hard to enforce as the schools will never force that…they probably want our $80 application fee.

@lab99 I agree. I have a friend who applied to 25 schools. It’s not fair and it takes spots away from people who really want to ATTEND the actual school as opposed to just being able to say they were accepted. At the end of the day you can only chose one.

I’m sending the best of good luck to all who are waiting for decisions. I haven’t read any talk yet about the different acceptances that USC sends, so wondered if you have considered all possibilities. USC admits the majority of students to begin fall semester, but they also admit a good number to start in Spring. As decisions start to arrive, we often see lots of concern, surprise, and reaction to this twist. So I thought you might want to prepare for what may come. USC does not waitlist, but they do allow appeals to their decisions.

Can you send me the link for the Groupme for scholarship applicants? Thanks!

@lab99 How about the students that have to apply to 15+ schools in order to maximize their chances of going to a school that they actually want to attend? Schools are far too selective and unpredictable for many students to only apply to 10 or below schools. Of course, this will contribute to lower acceptance rates and ranking shenanigans (among much else), but this, above all, proves that it is a broken system.

@lab99 and @ColoredAlabaster My son was unclear about his top schools and we encouraged him to apply to all that he was considering, which ended up being over 10. Part of my reasoning on this is that his application is not perfect (no one’s is) and the schools that evaluate it holistically and find the interesting and promising things about him will see them and offer him admission (hopefully), and that those that are looking for something else (other than what he can offer) will decline him, so that narrows down the decision some but also allows him to find the schools that are really the best fit, and appreciate his contribution to the new freshman class. I agree that overall we have contributed to lower acceptance rates but the game was already being played before we started playing it. Just my 2 cents.