***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

okay, friends! here’s a link: https://www.usps.com/priority-mail/map/
type in the zip code “90089” into the zip code box. the different shades of blue should tell you when you will receive the package after it is mailed (one day, two days, etc.)


@nicolehigriffin lol my mailbox is small too the delivery guy just threw mine on my front porch

Chance me for Marshall?

GPA:4.4 Weighted/3.89 Unweighted
ACT: 32 (33 E, 31 R, 32 M, 34 S)

Have taken most rigorous curriculum
12 APs:
9th grade: ap human geo
10th grade: ap calc ab, ap physics I/II, ap chemistry
11th grade: ap calc bc, ap biology, ap lang
12th grade: ap statistics, ap enviro, ap computer science a, ap literature, ap economics

Recommendations: 9/10 (Really good counselor recommendation)
Ec’s: Very strong in my opinion (Various leadership positions, volunteer every week)

depends where you live

I applied for accounting too

Very similar to my situation

@geniusa1a I have already gotten into UMich Ross and Olin at WashU. Just unsure as to which school would be best for me (Visiting WashU and Ross in the next couple of weeks). I really liked USC when I visited though so I would definitely consider it.

So I know the acceptances will be sent in white boxes, but do they put those boxes in yellow mailer envelopes? That’s what Google Images is suggesting to me and I’m confused.

When my S got his it was in a white box with the USC crest on it. I hope you get one!

no yellow envelope covered the box. Just the white box in all its glory

2 questions: can u track the package through my usps? And when will the decision be posted to the portal?

I think we should make a drinking game out of this! Chug. Can’t help myself. :slight_smile:

(no offense at all intended, I have just been on this thread a long time…)

No tracking, portal update 26th just after midnight (Sat night/Sun morning). Supposedly.



It is amusing how often the same things are asked. I guess that very few posters actually looks through the thread at all. Sometimes the sought after info is even on the very same page just a few posts away.

Oh… and BTW… Once again… just in case anyone is wondering…

  1. The USC admission packets are being mailed this Thursday, the 23rd, via USPS Priority Mail.
  2. No… you cannot track the package.
  3. You can however use this link: https://www.usps.com/priority-mail/map/ and USC’s zip of 90089 to estimate its arrival date. Unless you live in a rural area, most of the U.S. will receive it by Saturday.
  4. And then… you can check the portal, as it will update on the 26th just after midnight (Sat night/Sun morning), L.A. time.

Feel free to just copy and paste this 4 part answer every page… or even every other post… if it helps to pass the time and alleviate stress lol :slight_smile:

We are just happy it is coming earlier. Three years ago, USC was one of the last colleges to release decisions. This year, my younger daughter will learn her USC fate before 9 other colleges. So that’s something…

@WWWard and @CADREAMIN are rejection letters sent out later? Could you specify when we should expect to receive them?

Letters are sent at the same time but at a lower priority (slower rate), so they will arrive a day or so after the acceptance packages in each respected postal zone. Socal will likely be the only ones to get rejection letters before the portal updates. Chug. :wink:

Chance me for comp sci?

-GPA: 3.76 UW/ 4.03 W
-ACT: 35
-old SAT: M-780, CR-780, W-640
-Decile Rank: 2
-Only taken 4 APs (AP Stat, AP Calc AB, AP environmental science, AP comp sci), my school didn’t offer any in 10th grade but I could definitely have taken more
-National Merit Finalist
-3 years of cross country and track but not much club or leadership involvement, decent community service
-good recommendations, okay essays
-from the bay area

I feel like my lack of APs and decile rank kill my chances.

I had to respond to this as I come from the same perspective as you. What a relief!! I’m seeing so many kids that have beyond exceptional grades, community service, sports, instruments…to me, it’s over the top. I am a USC alum, my grandfather and Father both graduated from there, my son has great grades (to me…as I wanted him to just work his hardest and I stayed out of all his school decisions, classes etc) I have zero expectation that he will get in to SC based on the stats I’m seeing…and I’m a die hard Trojan! You know…your son sounds like a wonderful young man and you sound extremely grounded as a parent. My Dad, who passed away along with my Mom last year…always told me that things work out as they are meant to. Be proud of your son and every disappointment now will pave the way for coping with larger disappointments later in life. Best of luck to him!!!

For international applicants, you can check the portal on Saturday 3pm SG time, based on our experience. The package however will arrive via courier around Friday the following week. It was also on a white box with USC red logo. We remembered vividly it was an Easter weekend.

We want to add that USC is great in sending package in which the materials - acceptance letter with certificate, brochures, etc. arrives in neat order inside a white box. We were delighted by that experience.

Our son also applied in other schools and got his notification only via admission portal in a digital letter, accepted or rejected. In one acceptance he was able to receive, the package arrives a month later after notification in a crumbled envelope. Needless to say, we were disappointed and it tilted the decision towards USC, despite the lower cost or the partial scholarship being offered.

For all those waiting for the decision, just hang in there, enjoy the ride and you’ll be in for some experiences.