***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

Is anyone getting any different URL after authentication ?
No predictive power here !!!

@CADREAMIN I am not sure… but as I said above, I see them both in the URL lines. It just converts from one to the other in my daughter’s case. I personally take it to mean nothing.

@grtd2010 Yes, it seems most are. The confusion is some people were looking for the change in the body of the page and thinking theirs hadn’t changed. Most people aren’t looking at url so that is why some were freaking out I believe. False alarm people, return to what you were doing previously :slight_smile:

Sorry if I helped make anyone nervous lol. My portal appears to be back to normal now but I am still pretty worried as “preapplicant” made

Preapplicant made it seem like they were getting ready to recycle myID

@CADREAMIN not sure if you remember this from last year, but there was talk about some sort of link between the Scholarship Information message a day before the portal update. It seemed to be admitted=“Current Message” and rejected=“Message History”. Was there any validity to that?

Yall are crazy. Even if you think that the alleged “hints” on the website mean something- you will never know what they actually mean until decision day. Just try to take your mind off it- you’ve done all you can.

@Venomyth yo sameeee

@jiffy43 I do remember something like that, but I thought it was the day of when you do get the new message uploaded, just before it was supposed to that same night. I really don’t think they can be cracked, but there will certainly be many theories to come!

I know it’s hard (especially because I keep checking this page at least once per hour) but we all need to try to relax. Listen to some music, do some homework and try to get your mind off of it until the 26th

Has anyone been told when scholarship decisions come out

@teddyh Apparently some kids already received them? I’m in a groupme with kids applying to film schools and today three kids joined and they all knew each other from receiving full tuition scholarships to USC already.

@CathJR waaaat

@teddyh yeah I really don’t know

I am going crazy. Very very crazy.

@teddyh @CathJR honestly…just read through the thread! Scholarships were given out back in January!

@marg928 no they were not. Scholarship Finalists were admitted and invited to interview on campus. We have yet to hear if we have received the award or not. We initially thought last friday would be the day, but we were wrong.

so according to USC’s website, the online portal will update on March 26, but does anyone know what time it will happen? I heard 12 am PDT, can anyone confirm this?

Yep it’s 12:10 usually

Agree with teddyh. Still waiting for scholarship results.