***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

someone add me back in the group chat

How much does being a national merit finalist help you? I have good test scores, 35 ACT, but the rest of my stats are meh, my GPA is 3.76 UW and 4.03 W, I only took 4 APs, and I don’t think my essays were very good. Do I have a chance?

@cdnotready if you get accepted, you should get half tuition scholarship if u applied before 12/1. Nothing else, but it does certainly look nice on the application.

Any other IB kids here?

@Chips99 my s is.

@Chips99 i am a diploma candidate!

@Chips99 @letsshare My son is IB as well. Think there’s an advantage?

@momof3co it looks like there might be, according to this PDF: http://www.ibo.org/contentassets/5895a05412144fe890312bad52b17044/recognition—international-student-guide-us–march2016—eng.pdf.pdf

@momof3co yes, I believe there is. I’ve seen a list of the acceptance rates of ib students vs non ib for various top schools. However about 6 ib students from my son’s school got rejected from UCLA, one of the has straight As

Urgent question: I just realized my dad still has not uploaded my “Student IRS Non-filing Verification Form” for financial aid. Will this hurt my chances of receiving my financial aid, even if i upload it ASAP (assuming I get accepted)?

ditto that^. I still have a financial aid form USC is requesting, so assuming I’m accepted, will I at least get my offer before decision day, and will my aid be affected?

@Chips99 That’s such great news; thank you!! Interesting the ibo doc says the high school sends “anticipated scores” to colleges. I had no idea this happened. Would this be in the counselor’s letter?

@letsshare It sounds to me like UCLA rejected A LOT of students this year and seemingly randomly, so if my son had applied and been rejected, I would have assured him it has NOTHING to do with the strength of his application. I think schools that are reviewing a reasonable number of applications and use a holistic process should see all that IB students can offer. I just didn’t know it was in practice.

Momof3co my son has been accepted to all the schools he applied to, still waiting on one but not holding our breath. Anyway, my point is i believe that ib probably played a role in his acceptances. I love what you would have said to your son. Honestly, i think there are a lot of phenomenal kids getting rejection letters, however it is in no way a reflection on them. Best of luck to your son!

@letsshare Thank you! Congrats to your son and best of luck to him as well. Do you mind sharing where he got in? We applied to way too many, since he didn’t have a clear choice. He has been accepted to our state schools, and a couple out of state (including Boston U, which is exciting), but Pepperdine waitlisted him so I really wasn’t sure how IB was perceived.

@tito17 what kind of fin aid form? and why would u assume you’ve been accepted? (sorry if that came out antagonistic, didn’t mean it too at all! :slight_smile:

Decision mail to go out on March 23rd. Viterbi’s admit rate is 13% this year.

If they received ~56,000 applicants and accepted ~8,500 students, that’s a ~15.2% acceptance rate… gotta go

@Chips99 @momof3co @letsshare I’m an IB student too! What were your predicted grades?

@JorahTheExplorer i didn’t know this was a thing until today! Do counselors send the predicted grades? If so, I have no idea what these are! How did you find out yours?

I fall in the 50th %ile lol. With a 15.2%, I have extremely slim chances.