***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

@mayamurray haha let me rephrase… in the case of acceptance. I’ve been less and less optimistic as the days pass. But I had to resubmit tax papers and income information from my parents, and they just notified me they needed this on march 14th which makes me fearful of a low award if admitted.

@JorahTheExplorer, my son’s school doesn’t implement that properly. They dont tell the students. My son found out about the whole predicted score by accident.

@momof3co @letsshare do yours/your kids’ schools report grades through the GPA system or IB system (out of 42 or 45)?

GPA system.

@letsshare that might explain it. My school does all grades through the IB system so once we did our mock IB exams, our counselor sent the predicteds in based on our mock exam results. Not sure how a GPA system works with IB though.

@JorahTheExplorer I attend an IB school too. I have a 40/45 Predicted grade. 32 ACT
However I don’t know if USC considers Predictive grades or not
I know the UC schools don’t consider predictive grades at all
I’ve applied for Biomedical Engineering
Do you think I have a good chance

@kassyD according to @Chips99’s link, the average DP score is 35 but I’m not sure how up-to-date this is because scores for some universities seem rather low.

I don’t think they’ll consider it much, given that there was no request for them to be sent in as far as I’m aware. Since my predicted (43) was higher than my midyear (40), I had my counselor send it in anyway.

@JorahTheExplorer my school just uploads them on naviance and then the uni can download what it needs.
Also the school of engineering admit rate is 13% from 12,000 applicants according to their website. so that’s 1560 applicants admitted… Let’s see

I’m fairly certain my school just doesn’t do predicted grades at all lol. All I know is that so far I’ve gotten one 5 (SL anthro) and one 6 (SL Spanish B)!

Anyone here an economics major?!

Any anthropology/human biology majors? O:-)

Hi everyone. What is the undergraduate acceptance rate for the Marshall School of Business? I can’t find this anywhere.

I am wondering the same thing @jshack9999
I applied to Marshall, but there doesn’t seem to be any specific admissions stats online

I had found an acceptance rate of 12% for Marshall awhile ago but can not tell you where I found that! It was this year though somewhere online. I know there were a couple of articles on acceptance rates for undergrad business programs.

Individual schools within USC choose whether or not to release their acceptance rates. I think the only one to do so for 2017 so far is Viterbi. SCA never does, which is a bummer for me lol

Hi… Does anyone know if science fair awards at state level, county level or Siemens semifinalist are considered for admission?

They posted a video on Instagram. I am so nervous ;(

@JorahTheExplorer I’m not sure how I feel about that whole mock test. It seems like the PSAT all over again. The way my son did it and others in his school is put their GPA and then in a separate section they put the IB test results they already took. So basically the grade in the class with the grade on the IB exam. Are you from the states or abroad? Good luck!

@2017xxxx Any awards you have won will definitely help your chances of admission but truth be told we just have no idea what we are up against.

@letsshare so they already took their IB exams? And they’re doing other coursework on top of that and being assessed through the GPA system for this coursework?

I study in Singapore so it’s a little different for me… we just do IB - no GPA - and my exams are in May.