***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

@llw333 Counselor does that like you said.

@CADREAMIN you deserve an award for your patience

@mom3boyz not sure, but it is there now. And my applicant daughter’s FA page now looks just like my USC student daughter’s FA page. I doubt that alone means anything yet though…

So there was no need to submit them myself even if there is a spot on the portal? Just want to be 100% sure

@collegekid171 You are so kind. Been through this a few times - and remember the utter angst of one of them. It was the longest of any application processes it seems! I guess simply because it is the one many want the most.

While you wait, enjoy a quality football game - USC vs. ND. Good luck everyone!

Oh just noticed the above post has an easy # - 2525.

Now when people ask a question we can say…chug to post 2525! :slight_smile:

I really think this waiting is making us all a bit loopy (at least it is me anyway).

@CADREAMIN & @WWWard —so what will you do with all of your free time once you are no longer answering questions about when the decisions will be released? I suppose there will be new questions then!

Just checked the website. Sorry, should have checked there first! thanks for the help @CADREAMIN

Does anyone find all these eligibility forms ridiculous on the portal? After a statement of student non-filing for 2015, they now need me to receive certain documentation from the IRS? Really? I was 15 years old in 2015. Sigh, none of the UC’s required this much info.

@CT1417 try to figure out how to afford two kids in elite private universities simultaneously lol. Should be quite the challenge… But yes, there are always more questions ahead…

@WWWard – if only there were some way to monetize your efforts here!

@CT1417 My 4th and youngest is off to college this fall, oh no, does that mean I have to now start posting on the “Parent Cafe” part of the forum? It seems that is where people go when they retire from the school threads and talk about finding things to do now that they have an empty nest and things like episodes of “The Voice.” Don’t think I am mentally ready for that yet, so I think I will hang around a bit longer. :slight_smile:

@CADREAMIN thanks for inviting me to the bar lol! I am under 21 so I will chug apple juice :wink: and thank you so much to you and @WWWard for your tireless patience. It has been extremely calming and reassuring to all of us in this thread during this stressful waiting period :slight_smile:

I should add – I live <15mi from USC and will arrive home on Friday around noon (PST lol) so I will volunteer my services as a guinea pig for this thread and keep an eye on my mailbox all day :slight_smile:

@CADREAMIN – I am sure your presence on the USC threads will be greatly appreciated! Best of luck to your last applicant!

@CADREAMIN YES!! Please stay! You are absolutely awesome and willing to shares your insights so generously!

@filmstudent2 You’re welcome. From my perspective, it actually helps to forestall the angst that would come in a vacuum without the distraction of CC…

That’s very true. I’ve been freaking out but knowing that other people are feeling the same thing has relieved a lot of my anxiety.

Thanks all. Yes, this forum is a blessing and a curse. It can rev up the anxiety to new levels and make people think everyone in the world has a 4.0 and 800 on the Math II subject tests except them. But it can be a community of kindred (freaking out) spirits that need reassurance.

Frankly, I love the acceptances that just arrive because mine are oblivious to the date they are coming. But if people are coming on cc and want to know the info, they should at least get correct info, or as close to that as can be provided based on past history.

I know it’s corny (and a bit random here), but I wish USC put out a cool video when you are accepted like UO and Cal Poly does - I think they are awesome and my students enjoyed getting them. Maybe it’s the marketing person in me. Just something to pass the time…this is a video UO still sends to accepted students, customized for each one. This is from 2011 using the student name Pete Metz - every accepted student gets their name throughout the video (check tv screen bottom). They still update/improve and send this today - very fun! (It’s really over just after 2 minutes).
