***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

@atnite720 https://www.usps.com/priority-mail/map/
zip code: 90089

we should make a drinking game out of this!

I think for those who are near LA they will get either acceptance or rejection about the same time because one is a priority package and the other an envelope which usually takes one day when mailed within the same area. Here’s to no envelopes though!
And for those who do get an envelope, i know it will sting and hurt, but all of you are bright students who when all is said and done you will be okay. I have a feeling that whatever route you take you will do so with the same perseverance you have done so far and come out better for the wear. Try not to take it as a reflection of you, its about the volume of students trying to get in and space available.
I’ve heard so often from adults of all ages that they didn’t get into their dream school then go on to say that they would not change where they went because they loved the school they went to. Just because you don’t become a Trojan now, you can in the future and in the mean time you can use their motto and fight on! Best of luck to all of you!

@tpantone13 I know, I feel like every time there’s a new page we have to make at least one post with faqs

Maybe this is a silly question, but is there any chance whatsoever that some of the packages may arrive in Los Angeles today? Or should I resign myself to waiting for tomorrow hahaha.

Now when I click on “check the status of your financial aid application” I can choose a year on the next page and it wasn’t like that before. Did everyone’s change like that?

Yes I think everyone’s did

Already got accepted in January and am a finalist for the Presidential Scholarship. Went to the interview in early March. Do the responses for the scholarship/financial aid come out this weekend too, with acceptance letters? I also live in OC, 1 hour away from USC so I am expecting it to arrive tomorrow.

Does anyone know what the overall acceptance rate was this year?

@mimimo7890 I’ve been reading 15.6% this year…

@mimimo7890 They said they received 56,000 applications and they accept 8,500 applicants (because of the yield rate) so that would make it about a 15.2% acceptance rate this year.

@amonatare from a post a few pages back, the earliest anyone has ever recieved their packet was 10 am the next day.

@amonatare, unfortunately no. But wouldn’t that be wonderful! I wish they would have mailed them it yesterday so that the third day was not on Sunday, makes for a longer wait for the 3 day people.

Just my 2 cents here, but any internationals or 3 day people, if there is anyway you can wait and not check the portal I’d say you try it. My son’s been accepted by portal to great schools followed by the mail package and to USC via the white box. The experience was night and day! He was overjoyed by the actual box vs. Portal update. It gives you something to hold while you are jumping up and down and screaming.

USC Admissions posted that “decisions are in the mail” on facebook an hour ago
Fingers crossed for the upcoming days!

Do any of you happen to know if USC accepts appeals?

@charcoalatey2021 I believe they do, the instructions should be on the back of the rejection letter, this forum gives a little information about it and what happened last year.


Way to quote a post a few pages back! Seriously! There are some on here who are impressed. :wink:

@charcoalatey2021 yes

So…welcome to a day where there are two hundred posts on overanalyzation of the portal and trying to figure out if that speck of dust on the monitor could mean anything. Let the fun begin!

Seriously, I wish you all well and can’t wait to hear great news from you guys.Wow, they really mailed them early in the morning, usually they didn’t get out until the afternoon…so things should really start crackin’ soon. This should really help more people get them by Saturday before portal updates. I wonder if they have some surprise deliveries planned for this afternoon???

@PolarKode @filmstudent2 Ok. Thank you! Hopefully it won’t come to that :,) fingers crossed