***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

It is not by last name. No patterns have been found. It is likely random

To all those freaking out about the numbers in that blog post - those numbers represent the ADMITTED students! So, if you had a 31 ACT, you’re in the 25th percentile of ADMITTED students, not applicants.

Live in Socal, half an hour away from USC. Is there any chance my impending rejection will arrive tomorrow? I just want closure, don’t want to be stuck in limbo waiting for another day if I’m rejected

@mgb1311 No yeah I know! But that still means that 75% of admitted students scored higher than me, so like… it just doesn’t make me feel too confident, y’know?

@mgb1311 Exactly, that’s why I’m freaking out, lol. My ACT is (apparently) below the 25th percentile…

@mattsoryal Really hoping that they are saving best for last!

My “no scholarship” message is still a “current message.” is that an indicator?

@RoonilWazlib99 No scholarship message? What is that? In my portal the only current message I have and have had for two months is my acceptance letter. My portal still doesn’t even say I am accepted lol. I am still waiting on my scholarship response, should there be something there that I am missing?
Edit: Oops nevermind, i now understand what you were saying

The “No Scholarship” message has moved to Message History for us.

Trustee!! So happy. My sister is a sophomore at SC so we’ll be together again. She wants to go in together for housing for 2018-2019 so she can get village haha.
So excited!!! Good luck to everyone else :slight_smile:

So is it a bad sign (or has it been a bad sign in the past) if the no scholarship message was moved to Message History?

@khamasaki Congratulations!

The “no scholarship” message moved to message history for me as well! Doubt it means anything but I can pretend O:-)

“No scholarship” message is now in message history… hmm it seems like most people have it there (hopefully haha) so hopefully it’s not indicative of anything!

Based on the stats in the USC blog, my D should get a Yes. She is one of the 31%, fits in the 50 percentile, fits in the AP. But after being waitlisted by UCLA we can’t be too sure anymore. I feel so much pain for college applicants of this year, kids born 1998-1999. From reading the boards in top schools, a lot of very bright kids out there. Almost all the schools received record applications, even SLO which is where my D will go for Architecture if USC is a No.

My D is prepared for her first rejection, only UCB and Duke left. Good luck kids. A rejection is not the end of the world. It’s what you make of your education and experience that sets your future, not where you went.

I didn’t shed a tear when I was rejected to Northwestern ED, didn’t cry any tears of joy when I was accepted to Michigan EA, but for some reason I already feel myself tearing up about my scholarship letter literally just moving inboxes. I hate this lol

Are the SAT scores from the blog post scored from the New or old sat score scales? I had a 1460 (2220) on the old Sat which according to collegeboard converts to a 1500 new sat. I’d feel slightly less anxious thinking I was on the higher end of the 50th percentile than the bottom.

Is it actually harder for people applying from NY to get in??
EDIT: is it a disadvantage to be an applicant from NY? I know that NY is one of the states that has a high yield.

My portal took an extra 0.1 seconds to update this time…is this a sign?

Do we know if the No Scholarship message moving is an indicator whatsoever?