***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

Did anyone else’s financial aid status page change??? Because I now have a new screen… good or bad sign?

My scholarship message is under “message history” and financial aid is still “in review.” Ahhhh USC just reject me already lol

@noel1998 my screen changed :open_mouth:

hmm my scholarship letter denial thingy is still under current messages.

i’m sure where it is doesn’t mean anything

What changed on your financial aid screen? @gabrielmgea @noel1998

Before it starts and goes wild, there is NO CORRELATION between where the “no scholarship” letter you received in January (for those that applied by Dec 1) is now or was. If it stays in Current Messages or moves to Message History, or has done that in the last week, it has no bearing on whether you are accepted or not. You have to believe this, it comes up every year. NO CORRELATION.

People have been accepted and denied (don’t like term rejected) with it in both locations - sad to say I have read hundreds of historic posts from the last three admissions years to be sure this is the case. And every year, it turns to madness. But we are a civilized bunch, aren’t we? Ha.

People will try to find a pattern, but they only see what they want to see, and it all gets twisted. Every year. So let’s start by letting that one go. It does not matter where your letter is today or was before. Zero Zip Nada No correlation.

I know this one will cause a chugfest.

good thing i didn’t think it meant much.

honestly… we’re so close to when yall will receive your decisions/it’ll be uploaded on the portal, there’s no reason to start looking into things–we’re so close!

So stressed, can’t sleep

@faultystart It causes so much stress every year - people are freaking out long before anything is certain. And it will this year again, can only do what we can do in these late night hours when no one is listening…:slight_smile: Good luck to you today (or whenever you are due to get it)!

@CADREAMIN Sorry for the confusion, I didn’t mean the scholarship message under application status, I meant the first screen that pops up when I click “Check the status of your financial aid application”

@noel1988 Yes that changed for everyone. Seems to be just a web update they did.

So, I know the housing form trick where you click “forgot passowrd” and are supposed to check your email to see if you’re in the system has been debunked, but I decided to give it a go anyway. And an error popped up about how my details couldn’t be found, and I didn’t get an email, but when I re-opened the youSC portal (for admissions) it automatically opened up a Reset Password page. I might be reading too much into it, but does that mean that my details ARE in the housing system??? Or is that what the whole trick is in the first place?

Good Luck to All in this thread. Hope tomorrow and day after brings a lot of smiles and joy. Fight On!

I envy some of you - when you have the opportunity to pick between highly selective schools or decide between scholarships. Meanwhile, I sit here with a pile of rejection letters and waitlists unsure of where my future will take me. Heartbroken with low numbers regardless of the hard work and effort. When I know deep down, I’m a number in a corner on an application. My future of four-years mainly determined by a few four-hour tests and sleepless nights. But it’s okay; I’m okay. I did everything I could’ve possibly done in my ability. I helped as many people as I could and stayed humble to myself and my value. I am no better than anyone else. If I get rejected my life will go on regardless of my infatuation with this institution. I’ve met some amazing people on this forum, and I’m so glad to have had the pleasure to know some of you. Thank you, USC, as well as you guys, for being a piece and chapter of my life. I wish the best for all of you. I’m drowning in my anxiety as I have the last few days, but this to shall pass. We will all have closure soon. May the odds be ever in your favor.

@Azurite27 Don’t worry; You’ll get into USC fosho. Just believe in yourself.
Even if you don’t, I’m sure you’ll end up at an amazing place. Please don’t stress yourself; you’ll do great wherever you go and have the most incredible 4 years of your life. :slight_smile:

Same thing happened to me too, but I wouldn’t look into it too much

At this point everyone stay OFF their portal; no more looking for tiny meaningless changes! I’m stressed beyond belief with you all, I’m up at 3:30am PST because I can’t sleep, but even I know that it’s a bad idea to hang out on you.usc lol. Just wait till Sunday for the portal. Or even Saturday night. They won’t change it sooner unless you interviewed and you’re getting merit scholarship news. Stay strong everyone

@Aishxr Thank you so much :slight_smile:

@kaleuniversity If you’ve logged into YouSC recently (30 min) and then revisit the site/go to the bookmark, it will take you to that page. I do that a lot, I’ll log in, exit and go to another page, and then quickly click the bookmark back and it takes me to the “Forgot Your Password” page.

@hbrunner I have a better one…on her ACT my D scored a 33 on the English and 20 on the Math and Science! She is applying to a BFA program so I know that won’t be weighed as much as her audition but still…I wish I had pushed her more but after four SAT sittings and two ACT enough was enough. She has 5 AP’s and three stellar recommendations as well as lots of EC’s and great essays. In Ca also applied to LMU and CaLARTS (accepted), UCI and Chapman (waitlist) and denied at UCLA (auditioned in person), UCSB and UCSD.