***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

@boymom16 I usually don’t until the afternoon. :confused:


just got mail in socal…didn’t get anything from usc :frowning:


In a couple hours I’m going to drive around my neighborhood and look for the mail truck lol. Wish me luck.

@filmstudent2 Gonna stalk the mailman, eh? Best of luck lol! (Still gotta wait one more day for me RIP)

I can just see you all chasing the mail truck across LA.

@Nicole9925 may I ask where you are located? Don’t mean to be creepy haha just anxious

@filmstudent2 oh same dude

Before the onslaught of rejections, denials or whatever you deem to call it… and there will unfortunately be around 47,000 of those… just keep in mind that none of you are truly defined by such things. Even an acceptance assures you of little moving forward - other than the right to enroll, if you choose to do so. Ultimately, your college and career successes beyond will still be solely in your hands and how you endeavor to draft that future. It will not be defined by a single or even multiple set-backs during March of your senior year of high school.

Steven Spielberg tried three times to get into USC and was denied all three times. Now it is an amusing story to tell… a small blip on an amazing career. And CC has many posts on many threads naming scores of leaders of nations and industry (like Warren Buffet, etc.) that faced similar rejection letters. I faced 3 myself years ago. My older daughter faced 12 in 2014. She is at USC though now. And my younger daughter has 2 in-hand already this cycle.

Sure… be upset and disappointed or feel the sorrow… but then choose to persevere and not let the opinion of others define you going forward.

Good luck…

Y’all I’m so nervous after getting rejected from three other schools this week

So while many will get great news, those of you that don’t have to remember that there are many many great schools out there where your dreams can come true. It’s not the destination, it’s the journey. Up to you to make it a good one. Do not let a rejection from USC or any school define you. So many apply and go to college these days, there just isn’t enough room at every school you want to go to. Be appreciative to live in a society where college is an option. I know this all sounds cliche but it is true.

Ha @wwward we posted at same time !

Everything happens for a reason :slight_smile: Find the positives in every negative!

I’m so anxious, I’ve gotten into other schools that I’d definitely love to attend but the WBB program at USC is my top choice. Best of luck to everyone, you’ll all succeed no matter where you attend!

So the spring acceptance packages look exactly like the fall ones, ja?

Last year, for example, there was a posting on CC of an applicant accepted to Stanford, Yale and MIT, while rejected from USC, UVa and Northwestern. We live in a subjective world…

@WWWard Re your comment about the owls and hogwarts, have you seen the picture on the USC Admissions instagram account of the new dining hall at USC Village?

Just got my packet!! Home sick but excited to Fight On! (Orange County)


@WWWard funny you mentioned the owls. We joked a few days ago that if USC could send their packages by owl they would! :slight_smile: