***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

@kbn2015 depends. i asked the USC rep who came to my school about that section. My school reports percentages only so i put those. I would do whatever is on your official HS transcript, so you stay consistent.

I chose to do the one about something that is essential to understanding me or however it’s phrased. I’m actually really proud of it, and overall I feel like my answers in the USC supplement were really natural and unforced. It’s funny how different schools produce different types of supplements; I can’t help but feel like your experience writing one really can tell you something about your fit for the school?? Anyone else feel the same?

also @chimley I couldn’t help but recognize your name from the Brown thread… as of right now it looks like we are applying to many similar schools!!

@ithinkuracontra Thats pretty funny! Hey odds are we might even end up going to the same school!

@camillepowers ahh ok, thank you!

Applying to SCA for Cinema & Media Studies :smiley:

Has anyone else read their essays (whether it be the personal statement or the supplements) so many times that you can only find faults in it? Like you used to think this USC supplement was great but you have raked over it so many times that you just ruined it in a way but when you let other people read it they say that it is good, and you know it’s pretty good, but you just don’t see it anymore?

@chimley there comes a time when you’ve just got to take your hands off of something and let it be done :slight_smile: If you’ve gotten feedback from other people and they think it’s a good essay, then chances are it’s a pretty good essay! If you’re just re-re-re-reading it and thinking that it’s bad, but you’re not able to find anything specific to fix (if you do see specific elements/phrasings that you can improve, then go for it!), then I think you’re just psyching yourself out.

If you really don’t like it any more, you could try starting another one from scratch (don’t get rid of the original one though!), and then see which one you end up liking more.

@mintchipmagic There isn’t anything I can pick out… but I already submitted the app! So I guess i just gotta keep my hands off!(: Hopefully decision day will come soon!

@chimley In that case, good luck! Don’t worry about it too much :smiley:
And yep! Just gotta look forward to spring (or January, since you applied in time for the merit scholarships!!!)!

Even before submitting there is a time an essay can get picked to death, and sometimes it loses its magic in doing so. But after going through this four times, we have a rule at our house - submit and never look back and never look at them. They have been proofed a zillion times, when you hit submit it is over, let it go! We print them, put them in a folder, but next time they are seen/come out is when a sibling is applying down the road so I can quickly input the parent info mainly. I never remember the years my H went to this or that school.

I just submitted my USC app to major in communications! My 12-year-old self is crying right now. 1440 SAT and 3.96 UW GPA lets gooooo :slight_smile:

yes literally me after I submitted my UC’s I promised myself that I would not look back… If I did I’d find more flaws and feel like it’s the end of the world @chimley

just submitted for 12/1! does anyone know the timelineof receiving portals, interviews, etc from here on out

End of January is when they mail the decisions for 12/1 applicants. Interviews for finalists in February.

Do the decisions include just admission or proceeding to the finals of the scholarship?

what schools/majors is everyone applying to

If you’re getting a big merit scholarship, you’ll find out in January. If not (but you still applied by 12/1), you’ll receive a letter saying your application is still being considered for admission.

Those receiving scholarships will hear the results in later January. Last year it was January 25th… If you do not get a scholarship, you will hear at end of March. Last year it was March 25th. Keep in mind that in total about 55,000 apply and admission is granted to 9,000 of which 3000 actually attend (rounding here).

They give about 600-700 scholarships (depends if NMS are included in the Presidential total or not, some believe they are…). Majority of scholarships are 1/4 or 1/2 of tuition, about 100 are full tuition, and these are based on tuition, not COA. So it has been speculated that around 1200 hear they got a scholarship/accepted at the first notification in late January. They offer more scholarships than they give because obviously some won’t attend. Bottom line is, of the 55,000 applying, less than 2K will actually hear late January. Be hopeful, but prepared to hear later - you won’t lose your mind that way.

Also, if you follow CC, it will seem that everyone and their brother gets a scholarship and is admitted in the early window except you. The above numbers tell you that is not true. The vast majority do not hear until March. So be prepared to hang for awhile, it’s an emotional process for many but a fantastic school for those fortunate enough to get in and attend! Good luck to all!

Excited and scared for USC decisions! Hopefully I will find out by January.