***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

Is anyone else being asked to submit additional financial aid information in the financial aid status page?

yes, around end of Dec. 2016, I was asked to submit “parent’s 2015 federal income tax return” and “Parents’ 2015 W-2 Forms”. and I uploaded these document beginning of January 2017.

haha now it’s working

but still application status messages are blank. there is nothing. i guess that application not opening earlier was a glitch

How do you check your portal? This may sound really stupid, but I don’t think I ever received a username or anything for a YouSC portal…

@worriedgal you must have received some sort of communication from usc regarding application submitted in the registered e-mail. you must signup on you.usc.edu i guess using the same registered e-mail id.

I know I’m cutting it pretty close for submitting my app, but do I have to list all of my high school courses a second time even though I already listed them for my Common App?

@asavoir When I submitted my app I didn’t realize I had to fill out those sections because there were all green check marks next to them on the common app. I freaked out when I realized that I hadn’t filled it out by the Dec 1 deadline, but my guidance counselor called USC and they said its not required, as long as they do receive your official transcripts from school. They also understand that some schools don’t follow the standard semester-based grading system (like mine - we are on quarters) so it is not required. Don’t do it if you feel it’s going to take time away from making your application the best it can be!

Thank you!!

Is it bad if I never received any financial aid documents from USC by mail? Does this mean anything?

General information for next year’s applicants who will probably end up searching this thread: if you apply before the deadline but forget something like test scores or recommendations you can add them later, and you’ll still meat the scholarship deadline.

Source: app submitted Nov. 25, realized I hadn’t submitted my teacher recs (the thing was checked and I’m an idiot who doesn’t check apparently) Dec. 11, added same day. Recieved by USC Dec 13, and was notified that I met the deadline later that month (on Christmas Eve I believe).

So, don’t sweat the stuff that isn’t directly related to you. Teacher recs and scores can arrive a little late.

Also, glitches occur. Even if it’s caused by updating portals, they have to update everyone’s. Don’t freak out, I beg you. It’s not worth it.
Also, Also, go eat an orange or something and do some yoga because it’s college admissions but every time a new class happens it gets more competitive, but you’re great and you’ll get in somewhere.

@TreeLights just curious, how were you notified that you met the deadline for scholarships? I believe my daughter did as well but I don’t recall her receiving any notification of that specifically. Thanks.

@CAtransplant I got a packet in the mail with a book/magazine about USC, and a cover letter thanking me for applying, and saying I would be considered for scholarships

@TreeLights what if we never received a book/magazine? I applied for Viterbi on 11/30 and never received such thing… Are there any scholarship recipients that didn’t receive it? :frowning: I feel like my chances for SC drop more and more everyday.

Were we supposed to receive an email letting us know that we met the deadline and will be considered for the scholarships?

@wannabetrojann honestly I don’t know, but I doubt it’s any indication beyond that you met the deadline, maybe not everyone got them? I applied to Viterbi too, and I’m by no means a strong candidate.
I’ve got a 1520 sat (only sitting) but my UW gpa is only a 3.5 (school doesn’t wait) split halfway though high school with a 3.9 last year and a C in a math class sophomore year, before a diagnosis of a thing. so if they were sending indications to the strongest applicants, that would not be me. I wouldn’t sweat it.

I’m just afraid that they didn’t consider me for the scholarships at all. I never even got an email saying that I met the scholarship deadline and will be considered for scholarships; I only got one standard email saying that my application has been received (+ nothing scholarship related). @TreeLights @DreamforIvy

@wannabetrojann when did you get the email? It seems like you’re not the only one who didn’t recieve anything. I didn’t get any email notification about scholarships, just the mail stuff.

@TreeLights I applied on 11/30 and received an email on 12/4:

Thank you for applying to the University of Southern California. We will review the materials you submit and carefully consider your candidacy. The process is complex and nuanced, involving both spirited debate and exceptional attention to the personal circumstances of each applicant. As you can imagine, this evaluation process takes time, so we appreciate your patience while we consider your application.
[then I got my USC ID]

I never received anything else from USC except the financial aid pamphlet in the mail (which is the exact same as their website).

@wannabetrojann I recieved the same exact email. You could call them to ask, but my guess is that they only sent magazines to certain people. I’m OOS, and my parents income bracket means I won’t qualify for any financial aid (but we’re in the buffer zone where paying is going to be hard because we’re not like, rich and the cost of living is high here), so it might have been like a, USC is wort it! Show your California college educated parents this nifty book so they’ll want to pay 200k for your undergrad!! Especially your engineer dad!! Pay for this!!!

I actually don’t know if I read about anyone else receiving one (not to say they didn’t though), and it could be any number of things. Maybe they’re guessing based on sat scores of certain extra curriculars who has a good chance.