***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

@thefloridavegan I got the same email this morning. Did anyone NOT get it?

I got an additional financial aid email too, probs automatic @thefloridavegan

@HopingForUSC I didn’t get it, but I also didn’t apply for financial aid, so… No surprise there.

Did all of you apply for financial aid? Those of you who got the email today?

@HopingForUSC I applied for fin aid and didn’t get an email.

I think it was just for people like me, I didn’t fill out the parent tax form stuff or whatever, and it’s their way of saying : u sure about that? Might affect ur aid

We also got email this morning from Financial Aid office this morning…requires info to be filed online from our 2015 tax return. We did apply for (and need) financial aid.

The email only goes to people that applied for FA and they need additional info. My D didn’t get an email but I filled out the required form a week ago. It was a PITA - not sure why USC doesn’t accept an upload of the actual return like all the other schools or at least have a Save feature on the form when filling it out.

@whateverdudes fake. why would they call a student and want to hear about their school? and with those stats? dismal.

Yes, I didnt apply for financial aid but still got the email this morning

I wouldn’t post and waste anyone’s time especially mine if I didn’t have any useful information to give. Dismiss yourself @stadtlohnlieber

My daughter did not get the FA email, but she checks it daily and saw what would be required before it was even accessible to fill out. And then since she filled it out immediately, there was no need to be reminded to check the FA pending requirements.

As a parent of a current USC student on FA, I can tell you that they have varying levels of redundancy. They do require copies of the signed tax returns from each parent and W2s, etc., but they then have other forms that require you to list that very same info again… and declare income vs expenses, etc.

To give you an idea of all that is required, here is a list of the received docs already for my older daughter (already a student at USC):

Copy of parent’s 2015 federal income tax return for verification

Family Member Listing Form - Parent
Income and Expense Declaration Form - Parent
Signed copy of signature page of parent 2015 tax return
Student’s 2015 W-2 Forms

Tax Information Form, Federal 2015 - Parents

Tax Information Form, Federal 2015 - Student
Tax Return, Federal 2015 - Mother

As an applicant for freshman admission, you will also have:

CSS Noncustodial Parent PROFILE Data


But CSS will not be needed in subsequent years.

@WWWard Do we need to upload those docs (copy of tax return, W-2 etc.) while applying or only after accepted? I turned in my FAFSA/CSS profile but haven’t been requested for any of those forms, but I know other schools ask for them.

@actuallysad Since they need to be in by mid-Feb I believe, and since that is before 98% of the admissions decisions will be announced in late March, I would arrange to upload them. Once you have access to the youSC admissions portal for your application, you can “Check the status of your financial aid application”, navigate to “Required Info and Forms” and then see “Required Documents”, “Received Documents” and the “Document Library”. Then it is up to you… you can go ahead and try to upload the most common items that you know they will want… or you can wait for them to appear in “Required Documents”. They are not shy about asking for what they want/need. If an item appears as “Required”, and if you do not supply it within a few days, they will then email you and ask for it. But you can also simply provide things ahead of time too…

They will want them… that much is certain.

@whateverdudes Did you call the number back?

Admission office will start sending out tomorrow? or next Friday?

@whateverdudes if you called them back, what did they say in the phone call?

When do we find out? This Friday or on Monday?

@allima they actually called me and I answered :slight_smile: then they just asked to call back to the number they called me from if I had any questions . And I know my stats aren’t as high as other applicants but I applied anyways because I love the school. I live about 30 minutes away from it too I really hope I get in .

If they release scholarship decisions on Friday they will be mailed. Portals won’t be updated until the following week to give recipients a chance to receive the package. Two years ago we received the package on Monday, Jan 26th (east coast). A couple of people indicated that they received it on Saturday the 24th.

@CADREAMIN I was scrolling back through Class of 2019 thread and came across some great advice you posted.
I hope you don’t mind if I repeat it here:

            "I will warn you guys, the wait can be even more brutal because of the delay between the scholarship notifications and the status update letter received by those not getting a scholarship. It can be a nearly a week between the two. I thought my friend's S was gonna lose it. They started reading on here that people were getting scholarships and waited for the mail ever day only to go to the mailbox and nothing. Then repeated this process for 5 brutally long days assuming it must be late or delayed or something. Eventually the status letter came after an exhausting wait. Yes it is a sad story but that is because their expectations were unrealistic. Unfortunately that outcome is one that the large (really LARGE) majority will encounter. Only 3% get these offers. That means 97% do not. Don't mean to be a buzz kill, I just hate to read about devastated teenagers. So keep dreaming, but prepare and expect nothing so the fall isn't too far, and unexpected good news is even that much better. Good luck to all."