***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

Thank you @CADREAMIN always the best info! Fight on!

anyone know how much a Letter of Rec from someone on the Board of Trustees would help for scholarship consideration? My test scores are in the top 2%, my GPA is competitive, and ECs are great as well.

My twin sister is also applying to USC, but she did not apply by the scholarship consideration deadline. Would I more-than-likely not be considered for a scholarship if they wanted to accept (or deny) me at the same time as my sister (as many selective schools tend to keep multiples together)?

yes senior year really isn’t as important as any of the other grades.

these are merit scholarships though right? so ECs aren’t as important and its grade/test score based? i would assume…

@allima, USC says they look for upward trend in grades, weighing freshman year lowest, and on up. Senior year grades are quite important for admissions. Most of USC’s applicant pool take a lot of APs and admissions offices want to see how well a student can do with that rigorous curriculum. That is why they ask all students to submit/report their midyear grades. Kids who tank senior year (senioritis?) will have some trouble and those who really excel will find it is a boost, especially if they are a student the adcom likes and wants for USC (for talents or great ECs or overcoming hardships, etc). However, I do agree that for the consideration forTrustee/Presidential type scholarships, senior year grades come too late to be considered.

@allima when the applicant pool is as large and highly qualified as USCs is, they are able to/need to use other factors to determine who gets the scholarships. Grades, tests scores, and course rigor, along with letters of recommendation are probably weighted very heavily in the beginning, but extra curriculars, and essays are then used to determine who in the group is most likely to ‘change the world’. Scholarships are an investment by the school, so they use much more than stats to decide who the want to invest in. It’s still merit though. Acedemic, service, and leadership scholarships are usually all referred to as merit.

Does USC take courseload into consideration when looking at grades? Freshman and sophomore year I had straight A’s but junior year I ended up getting 5 B’s because I ended up taking 4 AP classes (and 6 tests) which was a jump from my 2 the previous year.

@backyard that’s interesting - thanks for the tip - could be useful in other situations too! Do you know would it need to be in the name of the student or could it be in the name of the parent as long as the address is the same? I.e. will it show anything coming to that address even if the account name is the parent’s but the addressee is the student’s name?

@backyard I thought @CADREAMIN said this wouldn’t work?

Did anyone get a call about the Norman Topping Student Aid fund this evening?


Ah it doesn’t work if your address had previous owners— when I tried address verification I was asked questions that made no sense but of which I assumed pertained to the previous owners!!

I did yesterday! I’m kind of local too does it have anything to do with it?

@mmdins my questions were random as well, and resulted in a failed security check, and we’re the first home owners.

@TreeLights Hmmm I guess I’ll just have to wait for the next few days. Honestly I am not expecting any news really though. I interviewed in Oct and I doubt they’ll invite me back to interview again, albeit for a scholarship. My twin applied after 12/1 so I doubt they’ll give one merit scholarship and the other nothing. It would be nice to know that I was accepted in the next few days though…

@mmdins I don’t have a twin, and I’m the first of my siblings headed off to college, so I have no experience with that, but do colleges really refuse to look at you as anything but a package deal? You’re two different people right? Did you apply to different schools? I’m not expecting anything either. It would be nice, but I know the chances are low. If it does happens it’ll be a nice surprise!

@backyard @TreeLights My address worked and it shows packages that have been delivered recently. I’ll post on here if there are any updates on my USPS account! Although, there might not even be any if I didn’t receive the scholarship lol

@DreamforIvy how do you check if something is being delivered if you don’t have the tracking number? I have an account, but i don’t know how to check

@juliejes Ummm go to My USPS and there should be an option to “opt-in USPS” and you need to answer a couple questions… Mine were easy…

  1. Which street have you been previously associated with? (One of my old addresses just popped up)

  2. What is your graduation year?

And a couple others… Then once you finish, you will be redirected to a page showing everything that has been delivered through USPS!