***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

I can’t account for their twitter feed, I can only tell you what I know.

They tend to be conservative with public pronouncements because (1) they like to surprise people and (2) they want to give themselves leeway if something screws up with their system. Safer just to say that everyone will know by February 1st (just like they say about April 1st)

And if you want to get into a pissing match about this with me, fine. I’ll be here again on Monday, when the letters are sent, and then later next week when the “sorry you didn’t get a scholarship letters” are not mailed, and then finally when the portals are updated a few days later. Then we’ll be able to check the accuracy of everything posted in this thread.

No need to get annoyed with each other! We’re all stressed out but we’re all here for the same thing. Good luck to everyone next week (or whenever it is)! I hope you hear the news you’re hoping for. I’m in New York so I’ll be one of the last to hear if I get it (besides international students, of course).

good luck!

Anybody here?

@TimeUpJunior yup )-:

It feels like the calm before the storm @wannabetrojann Doesn’t it?

I just want to tell you guys about my older brother, who graduated HIgh School 2 years ago, who was selected to interview for the Trustee scholarship but ended up getting the Presidential.

He applied for Compute Science, so he was in Dornsife. He was a pretty high achieving student, had maybe 2 Bs and had a 4.5. He had one stellar extracurricular that proved that he was really passionate about his major, CS: he got our school to adopt at CS course by showing how many students were interested in it, and even started a CS club with other students. But his Standardized Test scores were not as strong.

He had a 1980, and a 31.

Don’t let people say you’re not eligible just because of a low test score. It’s not a machine that is choosing who gets accepted and who doesn’t: it’s real people. Be hopeful, everyone.

For anyone interested, he goes to UC Berkeley now and is majoring in CS.

Also, when are decisions coming out!! Someone said that they are being mailed today and someone said they’re being mailed Tuesday: I heard that they always mail on a Friday, so what’s up guys? Can anyone let me know what is the deal?

@TimeUpJunior Ahh, it definitely does! That’s what I was thinking. I was pretty amazed to see… nothing after the whole decision date ordeal. I hope people will be able to relax a bit this weekend!

@Swiper902 It’s true that USC normally always mails on a Friday. This is only my own speculation, but since nobody has posted about an acceptance on this thread today (people in LA/nearby USC receive acceptance letters the same day they get mailed out), I’m assuming that USC will break tradition and mail out acceptances on Monday (which a few people have backed up as well). People have been calling USC’s admissions office and various schools (Viterbi, Dornsife, etc.) yet have been getting varied answers. I know it sucks, but our best bet is honestly to just wait and see.

Also its raining out here, lots of traffic and it may impact mail!

Thanks for the great story about your brother @Swiper902 ! Did he get accepted at Berkeley or transferred from USC?

@TimeUpJunior no problem! I felt too much negativity in the chat. He was accepted to both USC with the presidential scholarship as well as UC Berkeley. He decided to go Berkeley.

I suppose the good news is if they switched it up and mail during the week it avoids the Sunday no mail day. Or it could still be next Friday, we’ll see. I think the best change they could make would be to mail the scholarship and no scholarship letters at the same time. But someone mentioned they wouldn’t be mailing the no scholarship letter this year. Odd because not everyone has their portal ready to roll but it would be good to do so if not. Hang in there everybody!

@CADREAMIN if Friday (yesterday) was the mail date, usually what time will participants start
posting their results :)>-

Super anxious to find out if I got merit… Despite an average GPA and pretty okay ACTs, I hope my extracurriculars and portfolio are impressive enough! (…?)

@naru12 I would guess that people will get mail from between 11am and 5pm Pacific time, since most people who will get packages today are from Cali

Where is everyone in this chat??

Bay Area (Northern California) and no package yet

i live 30 min from USC but mail doesn’t usually come till 6:30. I’ll let u all know!