***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

I really hope they were actually mailed yesterday, there is a few people fired up here. Well if they went out yesterday, there should be someone posting in about an hour. Let’s get this party started! If you receive anything, as mentioned, if you can say the town or area you are in, that is nice info to have.

Also, can first poster confirm if it is white box like last year? Again, at least in previous years, they were never trackable, even though they are a box more than a letter.

I wish you all a great moment!

When do you think the portals will be updated

It has always been 3-4 days after packages are sent.

@collegegirl33 I would say before the end of the week.

@collegegirl33 probably 3 days?

If you get a box, are you considered for the scholarship AND accepted? Or just considered for the scholarship ? I’ve heard mixed things. Also, how common is it to get this box? I have a 35 on my act and a 97 W GPA with decent EC and good rec letters…no special talents that I know usc likes to reward with scholarships. What do u think

@collegegirl33 You’re accepted and considered for scholarships!

I just called the central Office of Admissions and asked about when we will be notified. The woman on the other end (sounded young so probably a student working in the office) said everyone will be notified by February 1st regardless of whether or not they got a scholarship. This is different than the USC twitter and website (which said we’ll find out IN February, not BY February). She told me to keep checking my portal and the mail. I don’t know how accurate the information is about the letters getting mailed yesterday, but this means we’ll all hear something within the next week.

I called USC admissions and the person said you need to have almost perfect scores and grades along with usually a special talent that make sure you stand apart. How likely is it that we receive a box rather than a letter?? Admissions office made it seem nearly impossible and unlikely

If you get a box you are accepted. Scholarships vary.

When I called they also said within the next two weeks. I don’t think the office will tell us an exact date…they want to be very general

@collegegirl33 My older brother got it and he had a 4.0 and a 1900 on his SAT and 31 on hisi ACt… don’t worry

I thought the hear by date was april 1 unless you are a scholarship finalist which is very rare. Even if you aren’t being considered you can still hear about your acceptances this week???

@collegegirl33 you will only hear that you’ve been accepted this week if you’re being considered for a Trustees or Presidential Scholarship (full and half tuition, respectively) or if you’ve gotten a Dean’s Scholarship (1/4 tuition, for which you don’t interview). You’ll also hear on the portal if you didn’t get one.

@collegegirl33 If you don’t get considered for a scholarship you will be notified that and they will basically defer you to Regular Decision

@CADREAMIN And so, just how detailed will it be… if such a box arrives? Does it actually detail admissions to both USC and the specific School, detailing the major program admitted into as well?

I read online that only about 5% of applied students will get the box. It is harder than an Ivy League school…am I correct or is it more/easier?

Yes it tells you which school and major you are accepted to.

"I read online that only about 5% of applied students will get the box. It is harder than an Ivy League school…am I correct? "
you are correct. It is given to top students who also have exceptional talents or abilities- so much so that the school is willing to PAY them to come to USC.