***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

@foodnetwork i just applied there too! super anxious to hear back

@wormholes Pretty sure that merit scholarship deadline is only for the USC-hosted merit scholarships (Mork Family, Trustee, Presidential, etc) that require interviews! Since National Merit finalist results don’t come out till later on, I don’t think National Merit scholars get to hear back in January. :slight_smile:

@mintchipmagic really? that sucks :frowning:

@wormholes what filmstudent2 said. Got something almost a year ago to sign up for ID, all correspondence we receive or sign ups student does uses that including setting up interviews, tours, etc.

11:59 PST but I would send it by midnight in the timezone you are in just to be safe.Hopefully people are not cutting it that close!

My son heard back in January for the NMF Presidential scholarship, but others did not hear until later.

The confusion is some people get a Presidential scholarship which is also half, and they end up being NMF if they aren’t by the time of admission. If you are accepted in March and your are NMF you will get half but you may not have been accepted in the early round. Scholarships are separate and they do not stack. One or the other.

@CADREAMIN how long after you submit the app does it take to get your login info for the USC portal?

@wormholes It can vary from a few days or even a few weeks. They are more geared up now, so hopefully sooner. My daughter applied Aug 2nd though, and it took many weeks… into early Nov before she got access.

@mangomadness what major?

@wormholes running about 2 days a couple weeks ago. With December 1st rush, don’t be alarmed if it takes a week. Also give them couple weeks to show all scores and such in your document library when you sign in, mainly the scores recently sent, anything sent earlier this fall will be there, but also, the counselor mid year reports…it can take awhile after the holidays for them to show up - but they will! They are not a staff of IBM, they are a few people cranking things in and out the best they can. Happy holidays and good luck to you!

On common app, the deadline is 11:59 on my current time zone right? Because I applied at 11:50pm in my timezone, but that is 12:50am in California

Lesson learned lol. I planned on submitting my app over thanksgiving break but UGHHH. I really hope I made the deadline. I think I did because common app says the deadline is at 11:59 at my time zone (but submission for all applications is displayed in Eastern Time).

I have a month to do 5 apps, so hopefully this all works out well.

Any SCA hopefuls?? @filmstudent2 Please join this thread! I need someone to talk to lol :-SS

Has anyone received an email from USC (not common app) acknowledging they have your application? I’m wondering how we check our applications statuses

@ZBlue17 If you already have an USC ID, you can log-on via this link… https://you.usc.edu/login/

If not, you will need to wait until they email you it… or potentially contact USC Admissions to discover yours. But it can take awhile in between the time you submit the Common Application and when your portal is ready. Basically, look at your Common Application portal and see if they have downloaded everything. Once they do so, it is usually ready at some point in the next 24-72 hours…

My daughter got an email from USC confirming receipt of the application and giving her the new youSC portal ID today. She submitted Nov. 30.

Question about the USC supplemental essays: one was about why USC is a good fit for you, I believe. DD just submitted last night so I am a little fuzzy on it, lol. She did not write the WHOLE essay about USC however.

She wrote about what her interests have been, what she’s done to gain that interest and in a few words at the end how one particular dept at USC would be perfect for her to pursue her goals. Was that enough? I am having second thoughts now that maybe she didn’t write enough about USC itself, although since she has only done a tour, I dunno how she would know SO much more about a school to write a whole essay about it.

What are you all doing for this question? SHe’s VERY interested in USC but now I am worried she didn’t express it enough…

@kath00 if you are really worried about not expressing enough interest you can have your daughter email her AO a revised copy… but especially at USC where i think i read that they receive above 55000 apps or something crazy like that so for such a minuscule aspect of the app, I personally would not find that worthwhile. I don’t know though… I would imagine it is fine! I talked a lot about what i want to do and how i wanted to pursue it which is similar to what I imagine your daughter did, so hopefully it turns out for the best for rall of us!

@kath00 My first supplemental essay was regards to an interest outside my intended area of interest. Mine was anecdotal, but towards the end, I wrote about USC and how i would develop my passion there. Second supplement, however, I wrote mainly about how I wanted to join specific clubs and do research with different professors.