***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

If you get the package the scholarship you have been nominated for (again cautioning that this is Just a nomination) is at the bottom of one of the letters. It was a little hard to find. If it doesn’t say then it is the Dean’s/1/4 tuition.

@collegegirl33 Here is the beginning of the letter from last year sent to people that did not receive the scholarship to give you an idea of the numbers we are talking about:

Scholarship Selection
Over 30,000 students applied in time to be considered for merit scholarships. We have offered admission to approximately 1,200 students who will proceed to the next phase of consideration for our top awards: the Mork Family, Stamps Leadership, Trustee, and Presidential scholarships. I am sorry to say you were not selected for further consideration for these awards.

There are 250 Deans for 1/4 tuition (as @jmek15 mentioned don’t compete for a bigger one) that don’t seem to be in that 1200 figure, so I always use 1200-1500 getting packages. Then another 25,000 apply after December 1st. All these people and those not getting a package will hear their decision in March.

First post last year came at 11:32 on this day relative to the send date. That’s in about 30 minutes, but remember, we’re all still in school on the west coast. And, with all the talk of that ‘surprise moment’, I wouldn’t be shocked if more kids told their parents to hold off on texting them so they could check for themselves.

Does the 1200 include the deans schlorship too?

So… if you combine the rarity of these merit invites/acceptances (only 1200-1500 overall throughout USC) with the extreme rarity of even getting into the USC School of Cinematic Arts (SCA) (only 2-6%, depending on major, admitted, making it harder than getting into Harvard Law School)… the odds of getting a merit scholarship as an USC SCA applicant must be astronomical.

So… in my D’s case, I should stop even hoping… lol But late March to too far off… so the hope continues…

@TreeLights You can setup your USPS account to show you letters that are arriving, not just packages. In fact, for letters you get an actual picture of the front of the envelope.

@CARacing has anyone done this? Seen any USC packages?

@Hockey9131 I don’t know - that’s why I was asking everyone earlier if they see anything through USPS. :smiley:

Got the mail in SD. Nothing

@CARacing Yes, the tracking has gotten more sophisticated even in the last year.

post edit - just read on USPS that shipper pays for tracking when they ship it, I am sure USC would not pay to enable tracking.

On the individual package, for any First Class, Priority Mail or Priority Express Mail package, the cost of tracking is very low. It is only $1.05 directly, or you can add it to your online purchase for $0.23. The tracking must be added at the time of shipping.

@CARacing “At this time, images are provided for letter-sized mailings that are processed through automated equipment. The plan is to include images of larger flat-sized mailings, such as magazines and catalogues, in the future.” From the USPS mail tracking thingy faq. The package isn’t flat, nor is it a real package, so for now it remains in the foggy no tracking middle ground.

Anything guys?

@Swiper902 I’m in Arizona, so I wouldn’t receive anything until tomorrow (If they WERE sent out yesterday).

Looks like no one is getting it today.

According to Admissions on phone: Letters on scholarships have been mailed and everyone will know by 2/1.

@ivywannabe were they mailed today (they’d start coming tomorrow) or yesterday (whenever someone in Los Angeles gets home they will get an answer)?

Unfortunately, due to the fact that no one has responded with an “I got it,” I’m going to assume that it’s the latter.


Who in socal has gotten mail and didn’t see it?


@swiper902 please don’t take this the wrong way-I don’t mean this in a mean way at all. But, where did you get that information?

I honestly want that to be true too, but it’s appearing more and more unlikely if no one receives anything today. I’m trying not to get my hopes up if it’s looking like it will be a few more days.