***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

for my youSC portal, in required documents under “documents for upload/fax” its says supplement PDF… i submitted mine through the common app is there something else i need to do or will this get updated and say completed??

Do not send a revised copy of an essay.

Hi everyone! When did all of you receive the youSC portal info via email?? I’m concerned because when I register with the email I used for the common app it says that I am a “pre-applicant”, but I applied on the first and definitely got common app confirmation. Please let me know thank you!!

I got mine pretty much the instant after I submitted my common app, you should check your email again.

Haven’t received mine either

Hi! @insula @ZBlue17 my youSC portal was like that for two days and I was concerned too… But I got the email today and the portal was updated! I bet yours will be ready soon! :slight_smile:

Be patient, it gets updated, also re the docs library - give it time to be updated especially with stuff recently sent. If everyone calls asking about this or that, it slows down the system, they are working as fast as they can. For midyear school reports it can take awhile since they aren’t working over the holidays for the most part.

Ok thank you so much @17kray !!

I submitted my application on December 1 but through the common app it says they downloaded it December 2. I know it’s probably a dumb question but should I be concerned my application won’t be considered for merit scholarships?

Also for anyone concerned about the youSC thing, I still have not received an email but I made a youSC account a long time ago (it’s my #1 choice) and it updated at some point in the last 2 days allowing me to check my application status with all of the application documents, etc.

Also, I emailed my counselor asking to add a resume to my file around the Dec 1 deadline, if I don’t hear back/my portal doesn’t update should I email again? I don’t wanna seem annoying, I know admissions was probably bombarded with emails around the time I sent mine.

Thanks for any help and good luck to everyone on this thread! USC is such an awesome school.

@jglover I’m pretty sure that as long as you submitted by/on Dec. 1st, you’ll be considered for scholarships. That’s what I think at least…can anyone else confirm? Also, how did you create a youSC potal without receiving an email? I called admissions a few weeks ago (before I submitted) and they gave me my USC number. However, when I try to activate my account using the USC number and my birthday, it doesn’t work :frowning:

I called because the first part was submitted on Dec. 1 at 11:57pm, but I (the parent) had some credit card entry problems, and some “I’m not familiar with the Common App” problems, and the whole thing wasn’t done until 12:02am. I called on Dec. 2, and they said it would be no problem for scholarship consideration. It doesn’t show that it was downloaded until Dec. 3 for us. I will probably call again to talk to someone else to make sure for scholarships. No portal email yet for us, and I didn’t write down the ID number it showed as I was rushing through the credit card part.

Wow I’m glad to know I wasn’t the only one who procrastinated! First part was submitted at 11:54, second part at 11:58z And this was all central time (my time zone). In Eastern time, it’s an hour ahead. But it says on common app that the app deadlines are 11:59 on the applicant’s time zone.

Ironically, I guess that for every Yin there must be a Yang. While later submissions are likely the norm, my daughter actually applied the very first day that she could do so… Aug 2nd. And of course a submission on 12/1 is considered exactly the same as one on 8/2. Good luck to all applicants this year…

i submitted on 12/1 and still haven’t received the portal link…should i be worried? anyone else in the same boat?

Does USC provide Alum interviews?

I haven’t received the portal link either and I submitted on 12/1.

i submitted the common app on 11/31 and supplement on 12/1 and just got my link last night, i wouldn’t worry for those who haven’t yet

When are decisions out? And do they release them in batches or all at once?

@Saltypineapple Ok good to know I’m not alone! Hopefully we’ll receive by Tuesday!

@camillepowers Haha I think you mean 11/30 right? And ok thanks!!

My daughter applied for music. Her approach to this question was to research the opportunities the school provided in her prospective field and which specific clubs and activities she would hope to participate in. Her major is very specific though and I think that helps. There probably is no wrong answer.