***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

USPS mail came today and nothing
Suffolk county NY
Also… not expecting anything AT ALL.

Actually… when I ship things to my daughter at USC via priority mail, it does arrive in two days. I went back and checked prior tracking #s & confirmations. So… if it works the same way in reverse, today should be the day for most of the east cost. That being said… USPS is not 100% reliable. I recently sent a priority package within FL itself that took 4 days. So… you never know. Soon someone on the east cost may post an acceptance… and then we shall know for sure.

@lisabelle306 it’s currently 9 in the morning over here, the majority of the west coast kids are still in school, and still have empty mail boxes. We’ll probably start to hear from this side of the country around noon.

Received outside of Philadelphia today!

Here we go again…

devon123, congrats! savor the moment!

Any Texans on this thread?

@devon123 did you get it with your mail or a separate delivery?

With the mail @mgb1311

I am about 30 minutes away from going home and I have never been more nervous in my entire life.

I’m an hour bro @davisbn

@devon123 ugh ok thanks guess that means I didn’t get it. Congrats though!

are they still sending out letters to people who didn’t receive a scholarship letting them know that or are we waiting on portal updates?

You never know @mgb1311 - this whole process is horribly stressful - thank you though :slight_smile:

So here is an example of the universe’s cruel irony…

Went to the post office today to check our p.o. box, expecting nothing but our regular mail - but still hoping nonetheless. Inside is a key. We rarely if ever get keys… maybe a few times per year. But we were not expecting any deliveries. So now hope rises that inside the larger p.o. box will be a white box. And upon opening, yes - there is a white box. Immediately my thoughts are racing. What period is this? Can I run by the high school, find my daughter and let her open it w/ her friends?

But alas… the white box was from Balfour… cap and gown and graduation invitations. Ugh. Three years ago, they simply handed them out at school. But this year, they unexpectedly decided to mail them instead - in white boxes… for receipt today of all days.

So nothing received. Back to reality and onward to March.

Congrats to those receiving them… and good luck to all those still hoping for the “golden ticket” (or in this case, a white box)…

I live in upstate ny and the postal map said 2 days but there were areas near me that said 3 so idk. checked the mail today and got nothing.

I didn’t receive it either, but I don’t want to give up yet. so if anyone get the letter, can you share your stat, specially EC? Congrats and Thanks

Received white box in FL. Regular mail.

@wwward That’s brutal. Be strong. :slight_smile:

@WWWard That was an entertaining story. I hope you’re able to laugh about it soon.