***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

Has anyone tried using the USPS tool to track incoming packages? If so, does anyone show anything on the way?

I tried and it’s not showing anything :frowning:

@highkeycrying No, no phone call
@younghollywood don’t worry my stats are far from perfect

I’ll share my daughter’s stats - received Pres Finalist Today

SAT: 1510 (750/760)
SAT II: Bio (750); Math II (760); and Lit (760)
GPA: 4.0 UW/5.2 W
National Merit Commended
AP Scholar with Honor (or Distinction) All 5’s and 4’s on 6 AP exams
AP Classes (13 from 9-12 Grades)
Awards: Univ of Rochester Susan B. Anthony / Frederick Douglass Award and a couple of smaller

EC (summary): Lots of Service Hours; Varsity FH 4 Years/Captain 1; Academic Symposiums; and NHS are primary ones.

When do we think the portals will be updated?

@yungalien By tomorrow. It updated last year on Thursday, so it’s most likely going to be updated tomorrow. Also, someone called admissions and they said by Jan. 26!

She sounds amazing and her award richly deserved. Congrats.

I think a few people have already asked, but I didn’t see an answer- will there be letters for people who aren’t
finalists this week as well?

Did anyone receive a letter saying you won’t be considered for a scholarship or did only boxes go out?

@CADREAMIN @youcee No worries. Admission to SCA alone is a long-shot for anyone - as so much of it is creative subjectivity. And mainly… they just accept so very few. Their admit rate is insanely competitive. Admission to SCA tied in with this Merit phase was taking it much further. So we knew that & expected this outcome in all reality.

The hope continues though through normal RD. Now if she gets in to USC but not SCA… well then the real soul searching will have to begin. I guess it would depend on her other admits. Her two so far would not sway her away from USC. Anyhow, time will tell…

Back to the positives… congrats to those actually getting the boxes today… and tomorrow…

Thanks! @DreamforIvy

@WWWard If your daughter gets in USC RD, she can still transfer to SCA.

My D got the white box today! No mention of scholarship but I expected that as she qualifies for Tuition Exchange and is a NMSF likely NMF so she can get full tuition plus about $8K with both.

Anyone know when/how they announce Tuition Exchange awards?

White box from USC just received in Santa Barbara area. I’m not going to open it, and he won’t be home until 5ish. So, don’t know what level. I think he doesn’t know these are coming out.

Did not receive in Birmingham, Alabama.

True. Thanks, @TimeUpJunior

That is always an option as well. Of course… if you applied, listing both your choices as different SCA majors… and then both departments already pass on you, I am not sure what you can accomplish as a freshman mainly taking GE courses to convince them to reconsider you. I guess you would need a whole new set of creative supplements. But yes… it is nice to have that potential option too. And it must prove successful for some. I just wonder if those are also people that applied for SCA originally or just people wanting to switch majors and are thus getting a fresh look by SCA.

Anyone from Sacramento California get anything?

@Ynotgo Perhaps some USC colored balloons are in order!!!

Long Island New York…got nothing.

@jewishmother Probably not his first choice, but it is his first acceptance. So, big relief for him – it will be “I’m going to college somewhere!” Still 17 other applications out. So nice to hear from one before March! We are less than 2 hours away, but have never visited USC other than many trips to the museums nearby.

@Ynotgo - well congrats to your son on his 1st acceptance. Now he knows that he’s going somewhere. The campus itself is very nice, though the surroundings notsomuch. And it’s nice to be wanted