***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

Guys I’m in Maryland i got in!! Literally shaking, finalist for presidential

Got a package in Long Island NY

Congrats to your son @Ynotgo !

Daughter got a white cardboard box package from USC today (we’re in the SF Bay Area) but she’s at school taking finals - don’t know what’s inside yet

Also - I signed up for USPS tracking in daughter’s name a couple of days ago but nothing showed as having been sent to her even as of today (shortly before package was delivered)

In Norcal. Mail came but white package did not.

Didn’t get a white package, but I’m not surprised. Scared for the end of March, likely so many rejections coming! Will feel very lucky to get even one acceptance in the RD round.

Will the portal be updated at 1 am on the 26th?

I wrote this before my I received my decision as to eliminate bias.

**Decision: Deferred **

SAT I (breakdown): 1530 (770M and 760E)
ACT (breakdown): 34 (33E, 35M, 32R, 34S, 27 essay)
SAT II: 770 Chem, 770 Bioe, 800M2
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.86 (4.42 weighted)
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 5/400
AP (place score in parenthesis): 3: WH. 4: Bio. 5: Lang, Calc A/B, Phys 1, Psych.
IB (place score in parenthesis): N/A
Senior Year Course Load: AP calculus B/C, AP Physics 2, AP English Literature, AP macroeconomics, AP Government, 3D:Make, Academic Decathalon.
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): tons of academic decathlon medals (state and regional), ap scholar with distinction, some sports awards


Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Don’t want to list for privacy, but I participated in around 5 clubs and started 2. I volunteered and I played sports. Nothing super out of the ordinary.
Job/Work Experience: internship at local University
Volunteer/Community service: not that much
Summer Activities: classes and fun projects
Essays (rating 1-10, details): I’m gonna say a 9 or 10. I worked hard on these and I showed my very unique personality. I’m sure my essays were far from generic.
Recommendations (rating 1-10, details):
Teacher Rec #1: 10. My physics teacher loves me.
Teacher Rec #2: 8. My psychology teacher respects me but we aren’t that close.
Counselor Rec: 4. Most generic thing I’ve ever read.
Additional Rec:
Interview: didn’t do one.


Applied for Financial Aid?: yes
Intended Major: bioengineering electrical
State (if domestic applicant): CA
Country (if international applicant):
School Type: public
Ethnicity: Asian
Income Bracket: 200k
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): haha. I wish


Strengths: test scores and essays. GPA isn’t as high as most people’s but I believe it wasn’t the deciding factor.
Weaknesses: GPA and extracurriculars, I simply didn’t have as many opportunities as other people do in other schools.
Why you think you were accepted/deferred/rejected: it’s just such a low chance. They can’t give everyone scholarships and I guess I didn’t give them a reason to give me one.
Where else were you accepted/deferred/rejected: haha rejected from Caltech and deferred from MIT.

General Comments : just like my caltech decision, I was extremely anxious to hear from USC. I checked the discussion forums every hour and my mailbox every day. That type of anxiety is crushing and I truly reccomend that people do not do that. Keep it out of your mind so your not too disappointed if you don’t get in, and so you’re extra surprised if you do get in.

Just got the mail! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

D is still in school, so not opening the box, but it is white, it is shiny it is the first acceptance she got. I hope it is for full tuition (will update once she opens it). We are in norcal (bay area)

Okay so I know there’ll be a white box waiting for me @ home (according to my mother) so what exactly is in it? An invite to a scholarship weekend/telling me I’m a finalist (or that I actually got the scholarship)?

Can those of you that get the white box let us know what scholarship your son/daughter are interviewing for? I have seen some put it down and others have not. I think there are 4 - Presidential, Mork, Stamps and Trustee? Good luck to everyone. This is an exciting time.

I got in from Maryland as a finalist for the presidential scholarship!! I’m so happy! USC is by far by top choice.

If I didn’t get a box, does that mean I didn’t get in this round?

Yes @rmarczak

@rmarczak well it depends. Are you in a 2-day priority zone from USC or a 3-day? Check here, USC’s zip code is 90089 https://www.usps.com/priority-mail/map/. If you’re 2-day and didn’t get it, I’m sorry :frowning: but if you’re 3-day there’s still hope.

I’m in SC and nothing so far. Anyone else in SC?

My son got it ( st louis mo). But did not mention that he was
Awarded any schlorship but it said invited for trustee. Does it mean he did not get any for now?

Got a box in S. Florida. Got in!! No mention of scholarship unless I am missing something.

@rsmith0208 Trustee Scholarships are actually the most prestigious. Congratulations to your son!