***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

I thought even if you are not admitted you get a notification letter through mail?

Anyone applied to SCA: Cinematic Arts, film and television, Production hear anything yet?

I did @BBlume and have not received anything

Congrats @CA1543! I have a senior that started in EE but switched over to CS. You can always pm with if u have any questions about Viterbi.

My daughter applied (we are in St Louis). The waiting is brutal! Wondering(hoping) if the SCA might be a little slower given the large portfolio requirements etc… they review.

Does anyone in SCA ever receive the notification in January? Also congrats to everyone who got in!

Hey everyone!

I have been accepted to USC Viterbi and have been selected as a finalist for a full tuition scholarship (either stamps, mork, or trustee)!!! I am really thankful and extremely excited.

Does anyone know how many students who interview for a full tuition scholarship actually end up being offered a full scholarship? (a percentage value)

Also, is the major you are admitted to binding? I know I want to do engineering and right now have selected environmental engineering, but if I decide I want to do a different type of engineering while at USC, would I be able to change majors within the engineering school?

@BBlume My daughter applied to SCA as well. No “white box” delivered to us. Here’s hoping that someone here on CC applying to SCA gets one.

We of course knew that admission to SCA alone is a long-shot for anyone - as so much of it is creative subjectivity. And mainly… they just accept so very few. Their admit rate is insanely competitive. Admission to SCA tied in with this Merit phase was taking it much further. So we knew that & expected this outcome in all reality.

The hope continues though through normal RD. Now if she gets in to USC but not SCA… well then the real soul searching will have to begin. I guess it would depend on her other admits. Her two so far would not sway her away from USC. Anyhow, time will tell…

Back to the positives… congrats to those actually getting the boxes today… and tomorrow…

I just hope to hear that a few are also tied to SCA.

Congratulations to all who have received good news!

@mufasa1 when you are accepted to Viterbi you are allowed to change majors within the school of engineering very easily. The sooner you make the change the better, because there are different requirements for each major.

Another question: Is it possible to use outside scholarships to cover part of the room and board if a person does end up getting the full-tuition scholarship?

nothing for me in Mississippi yet… anyone in MS get theirs??

Has anyone who applied to Marshall received a scholarship?

If we didn’t receive the box in the mail, do we still receive early notifications of our admission results?

@davisbn yes !! just learned im a finalist for Trustee w/ Marshal (stats on my reply thread 4 stanf) !! so excited also btw im on the east coast but in a 1-day zone

@x4nder nope. Late March now for decisions if you do not receive a box this week…

My daughter is accepted to LMU which is awesome too! The wait for all of the film schools are tough. Hope to hear on Chapman next week or so. I don’t expect to hear on NYU till April…urgh. My daughter is so busy w/ her senior year, she is not too worried…me on the other hand, I just want to know where she is going to go next year. First kid in college = crazy Mom :wink:

@BBlume The waiting and not knowing is the hardest part. Three years ago, with my first, we did not know until March 27th. And this go around, it looks like we are in for a repeat performance… unfortunately. Good luck… all the schools you listed are excellent. Of course, there’s also only one SCA :slight_smile:

wow brag?

@dongersenior Not really bragging. Do not have a kid there… at least not yet. We can hope though.

But they are the first and most well-respected film school program in the world… which is why it is nearly impossible to get in. So… not bragging. Just hoping…

**Decision: Accepted **

SAT I (breakdown): 1570
ACT (breakdown): 36
SAT II: 800 U.S. History, 780 Lit, 750 World
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 4.267
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 3/200
AP (place score in parenthesis):
Human Geography (5), World History (5), Biology (4), US History (5), Calc AB (5), Lang (5)

IB (place score in parenthesis): N/A
Senior Year Course Load:
AP Chem, AP Spanish, AP Calc BC, AP Gov, AP Lit, elective
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.):
National Merit Semi-Finalist


Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Model United Nations Assembly (President of Int’l Court of Justice, Outstanding Ambassador), Model State Legislature Assembly (Outstanding Legislative Bill, Outstanding Delegate), Y-Club/Student Government (President), Academic Team (Co-Captain), Track and Cross-Country (Captain, top in state in several events), Political campaign work (Deputy Campaign Manager)
Job/Work Experience: Legal Analysis Intern with local law firm, Intern with local economic tourism agency
Volunteer/Community service: Executive Director of local Reading Camp, Citizenship class teacher for refugees,
Summer Activities: Attended five-week prestigious scholars program where I studied international relations at a state university, traveled in California, directed reading camps
Essays (rating 1-10, details): 10 for my CommonApp (spent forever on it and it brought a completely new perspective to my application), 7 or 8s for my USC supplements (they were kinda rushed)
Recommendations (rating 1-10, details):

Teacher Rec #1: 10. Best writer I’ve ever met, absolutely glowing about me
Teacher Rec #2: 7. Probably decent, but not stellar.
Counselor Rec: 9. I knew her pretty well
Additional Rec: 10. Pastor who I worked with on the reading camp
Interview: N/A


Applied for Financial Aid?: Yes
Intended Major: International Relations and the Global Economy
State (if domestic applicant): KY
Country (if international applicant):
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Male
Income Bracket: 100-150k
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): None


Strengths: Essays, my first teacher rec, extracurriculars
Weaknesses: lack of major awards, no hook
Why you think you were accepted/deferred/rejected: My extracurriculars connected really well with my future interests and I think along with my essay told a pretty good, compelling story.
Where else were you accepted/deferred/rejected:
IU - accepted
Stanford - deferred

General Comments : I’m a finalist for the Trustee/Stamps/Morks.