***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

@WWWard hoping for good news for your daughter. Perhaps our girls will be classmates! Cheers.

@BBlume Thanks. Maybe so. The world could use a few more female film-makers :slight_smile:

If you didn’t get a box today and people from your area did, does that mean you aren’t getting one at all???

@collegegirl333 It means that you’re not being considered for merit scholarships. No worries though, you will still be considered for admission in March :slight_smile:

Has anyone from San Diego heard? I assume they made it but no scholarship.

Also do they give any additional Deans scholarships in March with admissions? I think I heard that but wasn’t sure if it was just a trivial amount.

@skeptile I’m in the SD area; haven’t checked my mailbox yet. Do you know if anyone from SD has heard? I’m praying so hard haha

I am from the SF Bay Area and I am so glad to say that I have been named as a finalist for a full-tuition scholarship! All four years of hard work have finally paid off!

If we don’t get any scholarship now but are still being considered for admission in March, do we get any notification (email)?. Does the portal update or something?

Congrats @dewrrrett. I can’t wait to get home and see if my DD got the white box. We live in the Bay Area also.

@wormholes My s said he would ask around. Last year we had quite a few from our hs get scholarships.

Portal update tn at 1am?

I’m in the SF Bay Area (specifically South Bay) after seeing this thread and have waited all day for the mailman to come empty-handed. I didn’t receive a package… does this mean I wasn’t accepted for a scholarship?

I live in mississippi but I got my package today, and I am accepted along with being a finalist for a full tuition scholarship. I’m so excited!

Is merit based aid different from need based aid? Is it still possible to get need based aid?

In south orange county and no package so I’m assuming no merit.

Northern Ohio here. Son received the “white box” today, with acceptance to Viterbi and consideration for a Full Tuition scholarship.

Good luck to all as you navigate the process!

Congratulations to all who have received invitations to interview for scholarships. To answer a few questions I saw when I was trying to catch up with this thread.

  1. All scholarship invitations/white admissions packages go out at the same time, no matter the major/School. These packets are mailed from the USC Admissions office, not the individual schools and they use the same deadline. Sometimes we don’t hear on CC from a particular major (giving some hope), but it’s likely not every USC applicant on Earth is hanging around CC like all of us. hehe.

  2. If you are a nervous parent/applicant and you haven’t taken the time to read the stickied threads listed at the top of the CC USC forum, go read them now. Lots of detailed answers are there–and may give a realistic evaluation of what USC looks for in scholar candidates. Also, for those lucky invitation recipients, there is one thread dedicated to what to expect from the interview at ExploreUSC.

  3. This is a trying time. Wonderful kids are getting disappointing signals (no real news until the portal updates) and I would hope you all just try to talk to yourselves into staying optimistic. Many of you will be admitted in the regular cycle and then, when you compare USC vs. your other admits, you will be the one in charge. Rather than have a dream school, I suggest it’s good to cool down a bit and recognize so many many universities are fabulous and affordability is really important. If your family may be likely to qualify for Financial Aid, you may literally get more grant $ from the FA office than you would have as a Presidential scholar. And since merit is cancelled by FA–they don’t stack.

  4. In the past, many kids who were not Trustee/Presidential finalists ended up getting into dream ivies and the like. OToH, some got into zero ivies and were offered the Mork or Trustee. At a certain level of awesomeness, there is no way to tell if one essay or one set of honors will “speak” to an adcom at one school or at many schools. I would suggest you practice the zen art of letting go and trusting the universe will send you to the exact right school for you.

Hang in there parents and kids. And good luck.

Accepted from San Diego!!

Great post as always @madbean!

accepted to iovine young academy interview!!

Received the package today in Illinois (about 40 minutes from Chicago). Seeing as how I didn’t get an invitation to interview I got the Dean’s Scholarship, which sadly means that I have to officially cross USC off my list of prospective colleges as $57k is still much too expensive.