***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

Anyone in Norcal get any update?

@Swiper902 SAME LOL

Wait guys do you think doing the math wrong when trying to log in automatically causes your application to be rejected? I ran out of fingers to count on and messed up with one of them. Really scared now…

(Just kidding obviously)

This has been distracting me from my lit hw for hours. Priorities :>)

I wonder if they send out all of the acceptances, then send out the rejections in waves?

^^^ anxiety intesnifies

Hey everyone, I went back and looked at last year, the first report of a portal update to show letter with “no scholarship” news wasn’t posted until 4:54am, so about 4 hours after it all started. ugh. That’s too long to wait, get some sleep (ya, right…). Hope you can if you have school in the morning.

Good luck to everyone out there, staying up with you guys :slight_smile: Shoutout from the SF Bay.

Quick question, do all applicants get an update? or is it just for those who were accepted?

I really shouldnt be up this late… I have finals in 4 hours. Oh well, senior grades dont matter right! xD (kidding)

So basically they are prolonging the time until we get rejected? lol

I just decided to skip my first period tomorrow. At this point I have 5 possible hours of sleep left.

once it hits 4AM EST/1 AM PST, im going back to sleep… with tears lol

do all applicants get a decision/update? or is it just for students who were accepted?

I wish they would post the no-scholarship letters first, the way it is they leave you on the hook, hoping for hours extra.

in other words, would we get an update if we weren’t admitted too?

@abattey788 i believe so

@skiingislife4 thanks

Hey guys, just fyi my portal has updated~

hello all! just wanted to let you guys know that i was accepted (letter on portal) but didn’t receive anything through the mail, even though i live in the bay area. also, there is no notification or new message, but your portal changes. the new portal is very clearly for an admitted student, as all the links are things like “confirming your admission” etc etc.

crossing my fingers for you all! hope you get in :slight_smile: