***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

@OrthodoxParadox i got your joke but then i though maybe he has been admitted and then i started wondering how come he knows I am in? :))

@slightlymad Any predictions as to when we will find out? I have a feeling rejections will come out at around 5 AM PST, so we will hopefully be guaranteed SOME update by then.

@OrthodoxParadox none of my international friends got the update. we have to hang on. yeah maybe by 5 am pst but i suppose we should nt give up because some are really qualified with no status update

@slightlymad I have tried to remain positive although I am just trying to reason with myself more and more that a rejection is fine. I know I still have a chance but it is just getting harder and harder to believe… I definitely am not giving myself enough credit for my qualifications though. Your 1510 is amazing as well but I don’t know man…

@OrthodoxParadox lots of students have stats just like us two. lots of them get accepted at a 1400 even. can’t say anything until we get the result

I wonder what the threshold is for scholarship consideration. I’m assuming it varies by school.

If I’m stressing like this over USC, I am nervous about the other college decisions… I have 18 more after this one lol I hate myself

@slightlymad Absolutely. I think we are the only two still online. There are probably a few more lurking while checking but I’m glad you are at least here to stop me from overreacting and stuff.

it does. i guess it gets killer at Viterbi @TreeLights

^^ LOL killmeplz

@OrthodoxParadox do you have school tomorrow?

My SAT was a 1520, and I’m assuming that was high enough. My gpa might not have been, so I’m excited for the kid year report. I don’t think they really try to distinguish between the top 1%, especially for math 1 answer can loose 20 points.

I have 4.5 hours of possible sleep left. RIP

@slightlymad Yes, unfortunately. No idea how I will take two tests and a quiz but I’ll manage it… somehow…

@OrthodoxParadox where else did u apply to?

My portal updated. I got in!!! Good luck to everyone else when they check!

@slightlymad I had a full list of different colleges but the C I received made me question my priorities of grades over health (I actually felt like I was going insane over the class) and stuff like that. After a long period of reflection where I finally accepted that I wouldn’t get into an ivy nor would I like attending one, I started applying to less cutthroat environments that were social yet still studious such as NYU, Vandy, USC, etc. My top choices are USC, ASU, and TAMU for the NMF scholarship, location, and more. I think I will probably be at ASU if I don’t get into USC, although Vandy doesn’t ask for a mid-year report so I applied ED II there. How about you?

Did it just update for you right now?

Did anyone’s portal update at all? D:

No update for me yet. I’ll keep you guys updated! Good luck to you all again.