***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

Why did some students get accepted? They mentioned getting accepted into the school but no scholarship or packages yet. Is that an advantage for them getting accepted early?

For the people who got accepted this week they are considered and invited for an interview for the full tuition and the half tuition scholarships.

Does anyone know if I can apply for housing now even if I’m not sure I will end up going to USC. I’ve already been admitted.

After receiving the scholarship, ignore my screen name :stuck_out_tongue:

So I was looking at the housing brochure, and one of the housing options is McCarthy Honors Residential College, which it says id only available to “Mork Family, Stamps, Trustee, and Presidential scholars”. I got admitted in this early round, and I’m a NMSF. Does that mean I have to wait until I hear if I’m NMF in order to apply for this building? Can I even apply if my letter didn’t mention any specific scholarships?

@tacanadian @Crazy4UCLA Housing apps open Feb. 1st.

@Nata11 we are in the same boat, National Merit so 1/2 guaranteed with this week’s admission, so unclear why invited to interview for Presidential. D wants to go it anyway because she thinks it’s a good opportunity to see the school and really get the feel for it, but logistically and cost-wise it’s a pain and she wouldn’t have to visit via Explore USC and could theoretically come another time rather than miss school to interview for an amount she’s already going to get. (And same, we aren’t really sure we can swing it even with 1/2 tuition… will have to see final FA package.) What do you think you guys will choose?

Right but can we apply even if we aren’t sure we will attend? @mintyicedtea

My son was in exactly the same position as yours 10 years ago – he was an NMF finalist so we knew he was going to get the half tuition scholarship . But he did interview and he was awarded the full trustee scholarship!
It’s worth it to make the trip. Just on the chance that you get bumped up to full trustee scholarship

@CalDreamin I’m also a national merit semifinalist, and I’ll know if I’m a finalist in around two weeks, but I’m hopeful. They sent me an email saying I was not being considered for scholarships though? Which is very confusing to me since I thought if you listed them as first choice it was guaranteed once you became a finalist, any help would be great!

@Crazy4UCLA Yes, you can. You’ll have to pay a non-refundable app fee ($55). If you decide to go to another college, you will forfeit that fee.

I know it’s confusing but you weren’t considered for the non-national merit finalist presidential scholarship at this time. If you are accepted at USC AND if You notify national merit scholarship foundation that your first choice is USC by May 1, then you will Receive the 1/2 tuition national merit finalist tuition scholarship from USC.
Don’t confuse the two scholarships – one is presidential, and one is national merit. Both are for 1/2 tuition .

I just checked the USC portal and saw that an acceptance letter had been uploaded there! (I didn’t even know that USC released decisions so early, I thought I would have to wait until March like with other colleges.) I’m also a finalist for the 1/2 tuition Presidential scholarship, but I never revived a letter or packet or the elusive white box I’ve heard discussed on this thread. Also, my USC portal doesn’t show any of the links to sign up for admitted student opportunities like Explore USC (Which I apparently need to sign up for if I am to interview for this scholarship). I’m kinda concerned bc some of my friends have also been admitted and designated scholarship finalists and they’ve all received all their info. I’ve already emailed the office of admissions but I was wondering if anyone else has this problem/knows what’s going on? Thanks in advance!! :)>-

To everyone who got the same vague yet hopeful Thornton email - if / when you receive any other email or packet or change in the portal, please post. I don’t think anyone from Thornton has actually received real confirmation of anything yet.

Thank you @mintyicedtea I really appreciate the info!

Did anyone who was accepted with a scholarship get into the World Bachelor in Business? I didn’t get anything but wondering.

I checked my portals and I’ve been accepted and considered for the trustee full tuition scholarship. Honestly I didn’t think this was going to happen; especially considering I live 20 minutes from USC and never received a package.

I’ll be attending Explore USC on feb. 23-24th!! (Funny cuz I turn 18 on the 24th)

I just want to say that I truly believe the process was holistic. I’m in no way the top 1% of applicants. I’ll be straight with y’all, I have a 3.9 weighted gpa and a 27 ACT but an obvious commitment to my extracurriculars and leadership. My essay, in my opinion, was strong and so were my recommendations, but beyond that I didn’t kill myself with 6 APs a semester or score a near perfect on my exams. Matter of fact, USC knows that my first SAT attempt math score was 560.

My daughter is NMSF and the admission decision is deferred. Though she was initially disappointed, realistically it will save us a considerable amount of money just not to have to travel to CA for an interview. She may end up being eligible for half tuition and regardless of whether she made the trip there or not. More waiting…

just curious- does USC cover your travel $ if you’re chosen for an interview?


Yes… for 1200 applicants, it was a form of early admission this week. But, 96.25% of all those who applied by December 1st (a total of 32,000 did so) had their admission decision deferred until late March. 1200 were admitted this week and offered a scholarship and/or an invitation to interview for a higher level scholarship. 30,800 applicants will continue into the RD round. No one has been rejected so far.

But… to keep all of this in perspective, 87% of those admitted to USC in total are admitted in March. Only 13% of the total USC admissions occurred this week (1200 out of 9000 or so)

So… if you are among those who were in essence deferred, you are in very good company.

And in reality, on average… 66% of those admitted this week and in March will enroll elsewhere. Usually the freshman class is only 3000-3100. The yield rate averages 33-34%.

Good Luck