***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

@party1942, yes, posted above. Submitted on 12/1, common app shows went through and app fee charged, no portal invite yet. yikes.

@party1942 Did you check your junk email box? Mine went there & so did a bunch of other people’s.

@HopingForUSC Yeah I checked the spam box too and it’s not there either

Yes, definitely not in spam box. I am hoping they are going out in bunches or something; one friend got it just a day or so ago. Wondering if/when we need to contact admissions.

Thanks, @CADREAMIN for the info above. Much appreciated. My D has now applied to a total of 15, and since USC SCA is her top choice, that means the long wait to hear about decisions until March vs. an Early Decision elsewhere. Thankfully 3 announce on a Rolling basis…

@party1942 Did you try registering yourself? https://you.usc.edu/register/ I know @CalDreamin has from an earlier post, but it might work for you. If your Common App says both parts were submitted by the 1st, you should be fine and I’d bet your particular admission counselor probably just has more applicants to go through or just started a little later than some of the others. @CalDreamin do you have the same admissions counselor as your friend who just got it?

@HopingForUSC Yeah I’m already registered, but there’s nowhere to click application status.

I’m sorta worried since CommonApp says they didnt download my app until the 3rd

@hopingforusc no we have different counselors; he is in AZ and I am in the Bay Area

Someone may bite, but many experienced with USC types on here don’t reply to a chance threads on because of the holistic nature of USC. A student knows if they have good stats, but if they fit at USC well, is up to USC. This thread still has great information and is a good place to get an idea of the process.


There is an entire chance forum if you want to try there but often times chance threads are replied to by other students who have no idea, or the stats are posted by students saying “hey look at my stats.” Either way, not that reliable of info.

For anyone else without a portal email – I called this morning and they were super nice, said not to worry at all that they were really backlogged and to give it another week at least and those submitted by 12/1 will still be considered for merit. She said even the portals that are up are not necessarily up to date; they are just swamped right now. So that’s good news!

Anyone on here have any experience with Tuition Exchange? My D qualifies through my employment and has already been granted it from my University and only needs to be accepted and granted it from USC. The USC Rep told my D when he visited her high school that most students get it because they have more children of USC employees going out to TE schools than they get coming in. My D is also NMSF and most likely NMF and was told that TE and NMF Presidential stack. Basically that’s a Full Tuition + 6K award which is better than anything else available if all correct. So I’m wondering how she’ll be treated regarding scholarships and announcements, etc.

So any past TE recipients have any info for me?

@foodnetwork i’m SOOO nervous too… i feel confident about my app and my gpa/act are higher than average so i think i’m in sort of a good place (you never know, though). i did do an interview, which went well. it was conducted by the tour guide i had once last year, once this year, and once at an information session! super weird but also could work to my advantage

@mangomadness my interview was done by the dean of admissions at annenberg… I was surprised … anyways haha my gpa is like right at the average and my act is right above the average. Kind of hoping my essay & extracurriculars were good enough… what activities do you do? I feel like we should start up an annenberg page idk if that’s allowed

I submitted my application on Nov 30, with a GPA 3.9 Weighted along with a SAT 1070/1600 (retook it on Dec 3). I had been involved over 100+ hours on volunteering along with leadership positions and job experiment. Also, with the help of recommendation letters, will I have a chance for USC Annenberg?


@foodnetwork whaaat! that’s insane and also such a cool opportunity - do you think you made a good impression?
i’m hoping that too… i filled all 10 activities on the common app but the most important to me are human rights related (amnesty international, prisoner rights, etc) as well as the school newspaper and varsity basketball. what were yours?
yaaaa we should start an annenberg page! i’ve seen a bunch from previous years but i don’t think anyone’s made one yet for this cycle

Did anyone else’s application status page change from the shorter few sentences “we received your common application and USC supplement” to the longer paragraph “We have received your Common Application and USC Supplement, and it appears we require no additional information at this time. We will be reviewing applications through the month of March, and we expect to be able to meet our commitment to notify freshmen by April 1st…”?

@HopingForUSC Yes. Congrats. That is an indication that all required application materials are in-hand…

I haven’t received a portal. Should I be worried? Applied December 1.