***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

About 2/3 of those interviewed receive the scholarship, but from those selected only about 1/2 attend, I think.

Is anyone on this thread attending the Explore USC event this Thursday and Friday? I’m going to start driving down to LA tomorrow (I live in the SF Bay area). I still have no clue what to expect for the event or the interview and I’m not even sure if I packed enough stuff. Also, why does the checklist say bring a sleeping bag? I assumed we would be sleeping on beds in the dorm room right?

You’ll be staying with another student which usually means sleeping on their floor.

^My apologies for the last question. I just checked another thread and realized that we will be sleeping on the floor.


I just received this email: "Thank you for your strong interest in the University of Southern California and for submitting your admission application to our freshman class. We have completed a preliminary review of your application file and are writing to request further information.

Specifically, we would like to see the results of the first term of your senior year course work before we take final action on your application."

What are the implications of this - does it mean I’m borderline? I had straight As first semester and an upward trend.

@shadyrainbows had you already sent in your midyear report?

@toris565 yes but they haven’t received it yet so I sent them again

@shadyrainbows Did you self-report them in the tab?

@shadyrainbows Yes… as indicated above, they want you to self-report even when they already have the mid-year report in-hand. We went thru the same three-years ago. In our case, she is at USC now. It just means you have a missing step… either you did not self-report or your GC did not upload it to ComApp or send it to USC yet. But they want both things to occur.

@toris565 yes and @WWWard thank you!

Congrats to everyone who advanced to Trustee or Presidential finalist. My D, a national merit finalist with SAT 1560, ACT 35, GPA 3.97 (unweighted) /4.87 (weighted) did not get selected for any USC merit scholarships :frowning:

its not just hi grades/ stats that USC is looking for- its what a student has also accomplished or has to offer, [as well as showing a genuine interest in going to USC] that helps to move them into the scholarship round.
IF your DD IS accepted at USC AND enrolls there AND lists USC as her first choice college before the early May NMSC deadline, she WILL receive a NM 1/2 tuition scholarship.
That scholarship is not contingent on any factors other than the 3 points I listed.

I know, it’s holistic approach that got her.
She has been an actress since the age of 9 and has landed roles in featured films, debate captain and won national competiitions and designated USC as her first choice college to NMSC.

It’s not the holistic that got her, more than 1 of 3 students at USC are international. Don’t put the holistic thing on her, it makes it sound like she is lacking something or didn’t do enough. Too many kids get rejected from USC and they toss out the holistic excuse - like they weren’t well rounded enough. And kids feel terrible rejection afterwards. Not cool to put that on the kids, it is the specific student body USC wants that locks kids out, not their lack of talent.

I was being sarcastic about the holistic approach. It’s THE excuse above all. I totally agree with the specific student body that locks kids out, even in merit scholarship these days.

What really stings are kids with those stats and ECs like above that aren’t even admitted (yet get a scholarship) and there are a lot of those - even with legacy backing them. They have really changed things. Luckily, there are a lot of great schools out there.

Very true. I won’t be surprised to see a rejection come March. Luckily, we do have a full ride honors college offer from our state school.

Look, all private universities have institutional needs–whether that be a portion of diversity, a certain portion of high stat kids, talents, etc. They all admit to fill those needs. Sorry, but it is not a shame that schools make admission decisions and award free grant merit money in a way that fills their class the way they choose. I am sympathetic with all students who work hard, have great achievements, and find that not every school they apply to admits them. To be fair, each student will only select one college–so the selection will go both ways. hehe.

Instead of blaming admissions on being holistic, it’s better to apply to a range of schools, because these students are awesome and there is simply not enough open spots for every one in every class at every university. For those who are great test takers, the NMF 1/2 tuition scholarship at USC is the most universal and generous of any top 25 private university. For those who are NOT great test takers but are leaders, have extraordinary talents, etc, there is also hope that they will fit what USC is looking for this year.

Sorry for the rant, but we don’t need to place blame on anyone–admissions or highly qualified student. There are not enough spots so hope is good, but be practical too.

Hope everyone here gets good news and enough merit $ or FA to attend.

@madbean you are the voice of reason in a process that feels like an emotional roller coaster (or tornado). Fight on!