***USC Class of 2021 Discussion/Results Thread***

Thank you, @SATHater. I’m happy for her.

She was admitted to the Price School (Public Policy), which may have helped her candidacy.

This is silly – I read that original comment, tripped on it, re-read, and realized it was the kind of typo/missed wording that we all do when commenting online.

Original comment did indeed read:
“What really stings are kids with those stats and ECs like above that aren’t even admitted (yet get a scholarship) and there are a lot of those”

And it’s perfectly easy to figure out that what she meant was:
What really stings are kids with those stats and ECs like above that aren’t even admitted (MUCH LESS get a scholarship) and there are a lot of those"

I may have really dropped the ball on this, but I guess it’s worth asking… Is anyone familiar with the Financial Aid process with USC? I didn’t notice a few emails from them that were in my Spam folder that stated I was missing things from my financial aid forms. I just uploaded everything that I needed (Student verification of non-tax filing/ parents’ w2) but I also read that the deadline was the 14th. Does this mean I won’t receive anything? I submitted all of my fafsa and css information so early to avoid this sort of thing, unfortunately, I made a big oversight here. Is there a penalty off of normal aid or will I just be outright denied? Thanks for the help

Just perused the internet and it appears like I am S O L :frowning:
If I were to be accepted/attend, could I apply for financial aid the following year without any issues?

@PAwind98, I’m not sure you are out of luck. Please call USC FA office and ask this question directly. In past years, I think I’ve read that latecoming paperwork led to delayed (not denied) notice of any FA awards. They truly try to get all FA notices out by the first week of April as they know it’s a big component to students making final decisions. But I would recommend calling to make sure. And it would be very helpful if you could report back here for others in the future.

Hey everyone, does anybody know how selection for Mork Scholarships and Stamps Scholarships works? Is there an ExploreSC event for it? Or are kids who do exceptionally well in the Trustee/Presidential selection process boosted up to these scholarships?


@mufasa1 The latter. They tell you when you’re a Trustee scholar that you’re eligible to compete for the other full tuition scholarships (Mork and Stamps). I assume that Presidential scholars, if they do REALLY well, can get those scholarships, but I doubt it ever happens because even getting bumped up from Presidential to Trustee is rare in and of itself (and because there are so few Mork & Stamps even offered in the first place).

Since it’s now March 1 I guess I can ask- Does anyone have any connections and know when USC swill be sending out envelopes??

I’m assuming they will follow what they’ve done before and give notifications before April 1

@mayamurray If you look through this thread, you will see that someone who works at USC suggests that they will be mailed out March 23rd, with portal updates likely March 25th or 26th.

Did anyone else see USC admission’s tweet at 2:00 PM “Check your application status online today at you.usc.edu” It must be either a mistake (oopsie, someone just got in big trouble) or possibly something pertaining to transfer student decisions. Either way, I checked the app status for S, and there is no change. My blood pressure sure shot up when I saw it, though!! There’s no chance it could be legit, right?

@jmek15 for transfer students (as can be seen on their instagram page-uscadmissions)

@jmek15 I checked out the tweet. It’s odd they weren’t specific, so I checked their Facebook page. To quote the post directly, USC is addressing transfer students:

“Attention Transfer Students
Make sure we have your final high school transcript and all college transcripts. Check your application status online today

I’m not a transfer student and there weren’t any changes in the application status, so no worries! :slight_smile:

@s0meUSCkid95 Any changes… or are the freshmen decision letters still set to be mailed out on March 23rd?


It’s amazing how involved and knowledgable some parents are!!! Thank you for all of the information.

@WWWard As far as I have heard, everything is still on track for all freshman letters to be mailed out on March 23rd and then released on the portal a few days later. So everyone will know in less than three weeks. Close to 56k applications this year and I know that the admissions officers are working long hours to get everything read and reviewed.

Thanks, @s0meUSCkid95 We all appreciate it!

Hi all, my S was pondering something, so I thought I’d get your thoughts. He wrote a great essay for some other schools that didn’t fit anywhere into the USC app. It demonstrated his leadership skills by discussing his role in establishing the First Robotics team at his HS. He has a strong app, but thinks it might be helpful to expand on this info, which as of now is only listed in his ECs. Is it too late to think about submitting something new? If not, should he submit it somewhere on the Common App or send it to his counselor in our state? Is he better off just letting it go at this point and wait it out?

@Jamsmama With nearly 56K applications to review this cycle, I doubt that they would be all too welcoming of new & extra info to review… unless that info was clearly something new and rather remarkable that occurred after submitting the material originally requested… i.e. a major new accomplishment or award. For example, a simple email to his assigned admission counselor pointing out that he just won a state or regional award, etc. might be fine. But… I would not recommend sending in a new essay, not asked for, that expands upon a previously listed EC.

Thank you!