USC class of 2023 Applicants Thread

If I submitted by the January 15 deadline will I have to wait until March?

1,000 out of 42,000, so about a 2.3% acceptance rate for scholarship consideration only.

@ykim525 , what does your portal say?

@s0mekid95 So will they shrink the amount of transfers as well? Housing is an issue for the kids that want to be there all four years and pay to do so.

Does anyone know the total number of applicants in the pool for general admission?

@islandbreeze I don’t think that’s true. I scored a 1580 on the SAT and completed all of the so-called ‘higher level’ math courses at my local community college and wasn’t selected as a finalist. I suspect it was my essays that did me in.

@islandbreeze Nah, test scores don’t matter. I have 100 more points on the SAT than my friend. But he got the scholarship and I did not. Granted he applied to medical and I applied to engineering but…

@blueskies2day I have heard that they’re going for a transfer class that is the same size as last year. USC maintains separate targets for freshmen and transfers. The freshman class has been the one over-running the targets. The transfers have been more-or-less spot-on for several years.

@cheesecake19 I don’t think the portal not updating means anything because I got the no scholarship email but my portal still has not updated

Just got in! trustee scholarship!

My daughter’s portal is still the same. Does that mean anything? We are in the midwest.

Edit - she got the email, so I guess that’s why no change to the portal.

The email says that I am not selected for further consideration for the top awards: the Mork Family, Stamps, Trustee, and Presidential scholarships. Does that mean I will be expecting another email informing me about the other smaller merit scholarships? If so when will I receive the email? Also, my portal is still not updated.

@islandbreeze I think the university is predicting 65,000 - 67,000 total freshman applications this year, so if the 7,000 admits I’ve heard about about pans out, then we can expect to see an overall admissions rate of like 10% or 11%.

Portal updates go only for those who received the scholarship, for others just an email notifying them of non-selection. My guess…

Son just received a an e mail…no merit aid. Still being considered for other scholarships, etc…it was about more than test stats, he had 1580, great EC’s and awards, excellent recs…the right picture, but it’s all a crap-shoot.

Me too, email says no Trustee, President those top scholarships, still being consider for other scholarship, I guess one of those is Dean. SAD

I have heard several times around campus that 20,000 applicants have test scores in the 99th percentile

Of course test scores and gpa matters in scholarship round, but so does everything else. They don’t need to take a “great kid” with lower scores and gpa when they can take a great kid that offers everything. They aren’t missing out, the supply is just more than there are spots for.

@Suave123 , @nickname121 , I can now clearly tell based what you posted and my email and portal, those who did not receive scholarships, their portals are still the same. Portal updates go only for those who received the scholarship. For others just an email notifying them of non-selection,
fingers crossed until late March.

@s0meUSCkid95 Correct me if I’m wrong. According to your stats, there are around 65,000 applicants and they are going to be 6000 more enrollments, which if we consider the yield rate 50% (a really high yield rate), they will still accept 12,000 applicants?