USC Class of 2024 Applicants Thread

@CADREAMIN warm thanks for staying in touch with the USC admissions insider (thank you, birdie!) and for updating Us on what you’re hearing about the new approach.

Since the school historically invited Trustee candidates for a February visit and Presidential candidates for a March visit, it will be interesting to see under the new structure of not specifying candidacy if the dates are still in both Feb. and March, and if all candidates are invited to attend any of the one-day sessions.

so i just called usc admissions. she said scholarship decisions update on the portal in early februray? what te hecck? i thought january…

@me if you’re going to reply to this post.

@saltyandpeppery They actually instituted the no minors overnight thing last year, so maybe they decided it was best for all? Or my source is referring to that but there will still be overnighters? ugh, I get nervous with info that isn’t right it front of me. USC is a machine, so to change a cog is a big deal for them…it will be interesting to see if and how this all plays out. For new applicants this stuff is no big deal, it is all that they will know. Just surprising for us that have been through it in the past (some several times). So even though it seems reasonable, I’ll believe it when we all see it!

There have been discussions of eliminating/changing scholarships and honors housing for awhile since the demographics has changed over the last 20 years. There use to be a separation but now the majority are bringing in the same stellar scholarship worthy application. Which brings up questions on selection. There’s a feeling scholarships are given based on different criteria these days that is very different from the past…issues of transparency blah blah blah, but that’s an entirely different conversation!

My D was a 2018 scholarship recipient. She stayed in a dorm but her host had a big mock trial comp that weekend so was busy preparing. My D spent the evening with a high school friend.

I think that because of the minors not being able to spend the night, it became logistically difficult to hold explore over two days.

I know that last year my D was paired with an interviewee but her mom was staying at a hotel so made the girl go back early. I believe they had dinner together and my D showed her around campus.

This quote from the Daily Trojan article linked by @CADREAMIN is interesting:

“According to USC’s policies website, minors under the age of 18 cannot be alone on campus or in USC facilities because the environment is not considered appropriate for minors.”

But surely some students are under 18 when they begin college at USC?

It must mean non-student minors (guests).

Ya that’s super interesting @Marcie123 and just brings up how different an experience it can be when leaving the recruiting of the best and brightest in the hands of college kids that are busy, or partying, or studying, etc. in addition to hovering parents, then on top of that, melding different personalities!

While lots of students have a great time, it could be so different for each person, negative and positive. Maybe not the best plan when ya think about it. They should be doing all they can to guarantee it is positive for everyone as they want these students to be Trojans! So maybe changing it up is a good way to go.

My child was a 2017 interviewee and I totally understand and support the change away from overnights. In my Ds case her host had something to do that night and left D and another girl she offered to host on their own, and they couldn’t even get into the dorm they were staying in. A security guard was so angry, they were 17 at the time and I’m sure he was thinking, if anything happened this would be a disaster. Even after they gained entrance they were in some kind of lounge/common area to sleep and people came in and out all night. I guess some students do start school at 17 but that’s probably different when they have their own key cards.

^^^That. Disaster. ugh. Sorry that was their experience. Never should have happened and played out that way.

Does the policy also apply to athletic recruits? I’m just wondering how they handle official visits if minors can’t be alone on campus??

Also my D stayed with a sophomore in one of the small village apartments. And there was another interviewee. There is virtually no space in those rooms. I’m sure she would have been happier in a hotel with me than crammed into a tiny spot on the floor.

True, and I took heart in how concerned and angry the security guard was. It was 3 years ago so I can’t remember the details but he ended up going to wherever the host was (or maybe he called her) and reaming her out/made her come back and let them in; something like that. On the flip side, if I had had to go with her I’m not sure she would have interviewed. She was a NMF and interviewing for Presidential (so essentially the same thing as she already had in hand) and I had younger siblings at home so it would have been a financial and logistical huge hassle to bring a parent along. So I’m not sure what the ideal answer is!

I hope they keep the two days of activities because I think it’s beneficial to experience “day in the life” stuff with fellow students. I also like the idea of the student to go back to the hotel with parent or guardian after dinner to rest/prep for the interview the next morning. The change in Feb did this for minors so maybe now it will be for all? They may be opening up skype interviews for those who cannot attend with a guardian? All so interesting!!

@acceptanceflood when i applied to fordham EA, someone had called the admissions office and they’d told the student decisions would come out the exact day it says on the website. but decisions actually came out 2 weeks earlier. i think they just have to say they come out on the date it says on the website just in case something happens & they can’t release early

If you are 2020 applicants I recommend that you don’t even think about the usc day because results aren’t even out yet lol. Relax and take one step at a time, and try not to build it up because statistics are statistics

The USC Undergraduate Admissions Website has a bright red popup that covers the whole page saying:

“Prospective first-year students who applied by the December 1 deadline will receive an update regarding their applications by the end of January. Even if you are not selected as a scholarship finalist, your application will still be considered for admission. You will receive an admission decision by April 1.”

Plus, according to @CADREAMIN in this thread…we all will know one way or the other via a portal update by Sunday evening. Good Luck to ALL!!!

Fight On!

Hello all! If you have applied for USC’s Town and Gown Scholarship, emails have been sent out regarding interviews if you have received one! Please note an invitation to interview with Town and Gown DOES NOT indicate you have been accepted into USC!

@CindyLeuWho It’s so true! But it’s fun to read, chit chat and speculate all the same:)

Town and gown?out of curiosity can you explain what that is @onlyworthypotato ?

@CindyLeuWho Town and Gown is the oldest women’s support group at USC. It was founded in the early 1900s. There are about 700 members, both alumnae and friends of the university. Their main purpose is to support students at the university by awarding scholarships.

Applications for the scholarship were open for majority of first semester and closed on December 1st. If you haven’t applied it’s okay though since the scholarship is also open to current USC students so if you get accepted you can definitely apply next time around!!