USC Class of 2024 Applicants Thread

If I am in NorCal, do you think I could get my white box on Friday if they are sent out by USC on Thursday? My mailman comes around 3-4 pm.

Sorry, no. Norcal would be second day. I am also in Norcal and hoped/watched (like you are) every year to see if some made it up to Norcal in a day. I thought if they got out in am on mail day they would get up here. But so far, over last 10 years, none have. It’s second day like the majority of them are. Here’s to hoping! But I would set sights on second day, less angst (if that is possible) that way.

@CADREAMIN could you please address a concern one of the posters here raised, about “prohibition of minors staying on campus.” - it is in one of the links that (you?) provided earlier. Is there a real policy like that? I mean uncountable number of students are entering college before they turn 18. Heck, some are graduating from college before they turn 18. Is the prohibition of minors on campus of USC a real thing?

“According to USC’s policies website, minors under the age of 18 cannot be alone on campus or in USC facilities because the environment is not considered appropriate for minors.”

Minors that are guests/visitors, particularly those staying overnight on campus is the concern, not enrolled students. It was being discussed as part of the Explore overnight visits and whether they are going to just a day event this year, not in general.

“Explore USC will no longer allow minors to stay with current students on campus. The program, which allows prospective students admitted early as scholarship candidates to visit campus for the selection process, will now require minors to stay with a parent or guardian overnight during the two-day event.”

Does this tell us something we should know about USC’s culture?

Caltech, MIT, and many other schools seem to have no problems with overnight visits by admitted students.

Maybe that USC students are more fun? (Just kidding – enormous respect for Caltech and MIT.)

That is what I am afraid of :wink:

There was likely an incident involving a minor that prompted USC to change the rules.

I think it says more about liability especially in today’s climate and even moreso at a school with a large population (although things can happen anywhere). The UCs have similiar policies in place, I would assume most schools do. For example, Caltech has a minor release waiver that must be signed prior to visiting classes, overnights, visting labs, eating meals, etc…Just smart business.

Are they being sent out this week? I read that last year most people got theirs by the 24th. I live in NE so most likely even if they were I probs wouldn’t get it till next

@andybvibindoe yes, expected to be sent out this Thursday. See post #229.

Agreed about liability. I remember on the tour, we weren’t allowed to cross the street to see presidential village because of liability issues related to crossing the street! At least, that’s what our tour guide told us.

Like maybe a security guard complained about an unaccompanied minor being locked out . . .

Does anyone know how the mid-year report impacts merit scholarship consideration?

@jawg2011 well it probably doesn’t affect it a whole lot unless they made their decisions in the last two weeks. idk about you but my school didn’t have it ready til about 2 weeks ago. but i really have no idea whatsoever

Any reports of big trucks leaving the office of admissions today?

@lkg4answers I was just wondering that too! @s0meUSCkid95 has sometimes been able to share if they were seen being loaded. Or maybe @CADREAMIN your little birdie would have some news on that?

Would love to know when any SoCal members get a box…so I can ensure that DD gets the mail if it is to be! good luck to all

Hopping on here to leave a comment for the first time! This thread has been so so helpful to read through as an SCA hopeful in need of financial aid :slight_smile: Thank you all for your contributions and please update as soon as the packages start arriving!!

you will know when they start arriving - this thread (or the other one about merit) will start going crazy.