USC Class of 2024 Applicants Thread

When do you guys think that the Bay Area would receive the packages?

Saturday b/c it’s a major metro?

Yes my daughter received a post card about financial aid two days ago. Anyone else?

Norcal would be second day. I am also in Norcal and hoped/watched (like you are) every year to see if some made it up to Norcal in a day. I thought if they got out in am on mail day they would get up here. But so far, over last 10 years, none have. It’s second day like the majority of them are. Here’s to hoping! But I would set sights on second day, less angst (if that is possible) that way.

@CindyLeuWho Okay that makes sense. So I’m assuming your portal has these options as well?

Mine has those options as well @let0202

Joining the other PNW parents in wishing our same-coast location meant faster delivery from USC…

My son is applying this year, hoping to follow his older sister to USC. She did not receive a scholarship notification 4 years ago and we took that as a sign that she wasn’t going to get in. As a result we weren’t on the lookout for a package. I can tell you that it is every bit as exciting and memorable as people say when you open the front door and see that big white box sitting there.

Our daughter has had an extraordinarily positive experience at USC. She never misses an opportunity, though, to remind us that we didn’t expect her to get in. Here we are, 4 years down the road — with USC even harder to get into — hoping for another March miracle for our son.

Best of luck to the students and families who are hoping to hear good news during this early round.

@evergrngranite13 my D is a sophomore and my son is applying this year. I am not expecting him to get in but a miracle would be nice. Possibly the Trojan Transfer Plan but I’m not sure he would want to do that. Good luck!

Does everyone have the spring grades and gap year option on their drop down menu? I’m wondering if it could mean something??

Spring grades (or final grades) are only sent to the school you end up matriculating too! Hmm…

My daughter has those @dsfjlciodsfljk but no idea if they’ve always been there or what - we never checked before I don’t think.

Can anyone explain if the student is supposed to upload their fall semester grades or only if asked to? I feel like I’ve seen that asked on this thread but not sure I’ve seen an answer. I see on the drop down menu for things you can upload “Mid Year Transcript” but should the student do that automatically? I’m not sure if it’s something our school sends?

I remember always having the gap year explanation and spring grades dropdown. Could be wrong though. I also doubt it means anything as USC in the past hasn’t been known to show hints before admissions decisions.

Does anyone not have the option to upload Gap Year explanation and spring grades?

@CADREAMIN … thank you so much for your insights on Thornton. On that note, thank you for your insights on everything USC. You really are a treasure to be on CC year after year! Fight on!

so have packages been sent yet?

My D has the options for uploading spring grades and gap year explanations. I know she did NOT have these options before because they weren’t there when she looked to upload a resume earlier in the process.
@CAtransplant My D had to ask the school to send her mid-year grades as soon as the semester ended, which for her was before Christmas. She had them sent to all schools she is waiting for answers from, or waiting for scholarship info from (including USC). I think for schools that request them, they are supposed to be sent directly from the school and this was a standard process the school was aware of. (I had thought they would be sent by the school automatically but they explained that a new request has to be made.)

Thanks @momof3co - we will check with the school counselor but I have a feeling they probably send them automatically to the schools she’s applied to and not heard back from too.

@CAtransplant That’s exactly what we had assumed, but I happened to call the counseling office just in case… and found out they do not automatically send them because they don’t know what schools want them at that stage, and also because they said they needed her approval to send them again (??). Just saying it’s worth a call to confirm. :slight_smile:

All mid year transcripts should be distributed by your student’s councilor unless your school does otherwise. For my school we had to finalize our list on Naviance and let our councilor know what schools we want to send to and which we never applied to. They should deliver the transcript, not you through your portal.

Any upload option now should not mean anything towards admission.

I find out tomorrow? Hoping for the best for everyone!

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Hey guys!!! wish you all the best of luck! I’m a little bit confused. Am I required to send my mid year report? Also, I take dual enrollment courses so do I need to send them my fall grades for that too?

@Pocket22 Thanks for the kind words and best of luck to D2! It is great when you have 2 (or more as we did) at the same school, it makes things a lot easier in many ways! Not cheaper, but easier! Sounds like you have some really talented girls there. Rooting for you!