USC Class of 2024 Applicants Thread

Yes I am from SoCal!! @hehehaha

@blackcat2 out of curiosity, what does your financial aid status say in FAST? I’ve heard that having your financial aid application as “started” or “received”, that means the applicant got an acceptance. Skeptical about this, but was curious and wanted to see if it’s true

Congrats again!

@blackcat2 Would u mind. sharing some stats? Thx!! Congrats!!!

@hehehaha I don’t think that has any bearing on admissions status. Mine says “started”, I also sent financial aid materials about a month ago.

My financial aid application says “started” and they also reached out to me this morning asking for additional documents @hehehaha

My son received his admissions packet this afternoon! We are in SoCal.

Ha, I was at dinner and butchered an earlier post…was trying to say they do not send international acceptances/packages ahead of US decisions in the scholarship round. They send them a day or two ahead in March so they get there that same week in some locations. But no international would have received today. No way.

Can people post the area they are in when reporting on package please?

Like Anaheim, Pasadena, or other cities as they come up tomorrow? It is really helpful to others. Thanks!

@blackcat2 @sjt193 Do you have a section that says application in review at all? Or is it only application started?

@blackcat2 I wasn’t asked for any financial aid documents except for CSS and FAFSA at the beginning of the process :confused: What additional documents were asked from you?

@hehehaha It says Application in Review under Application Started and is asking for a tax supplement form. My Dad has a pretty weird financial situation right now so it makes sense.

@sjt193 so under the “application in review” drop down, it doesn’t say financial aid application is in review? Also, I think that’s a good sign that they’re asking for a tax supplement form! I didn’t have one requested rip, but I’m excited for you!

@hehehaha I honestly don’t think it is a positive sign haha I doubt I got offered one of the huge merit scholarships. I think it is purely because I submitted financial aid stuff a while ago.

If you completed everything and they have all the info they need, you will not get requests for additional FA info. Your file is complete. They ask all applicants to have completed FA files, it is a separate group working on this part of the file and no indication of admission. These days, with everything automated, things that are missing are easily flagged by the system and you are contacted. Being contacted by FA for more info means an incomplete file in some regard.

@CADREAMIN That’s what I thought. I think they just need a bit more info on my dad’s financial situation. That’s all.

I am assuming that if you don’t need financial aid then you don’t have to apply for it.

@blackcat2 so happy for you!!
@sjt193 @hehehaha @blackcat2 in FAST, under “application started”, it says “application in review” and below that it says “additional documents required”.
This morning I got an email asking for additional tax documents from parents.
Do any of you see/get anything similar?

@egellocnoos I got that email exactly 6 days ago with the same tax document request.

@egellocnoos I did not get an email for additional tax documents, though I sent in CSS and FAFSA stuff before. I’m not sure if all my materials arrived, but I haven’t gotten any emails. What did you send to USC financial aid office beforehand? I’m curious as to why I never got an email for additional tax documents :frowning:

Most people DO NOT get requests for more info. They may see something on FAFSA or CSS that indicates there are other things to include as income/assets, and are verifying that, or something doesn’t line up between submitted taxes and what is stated elsewhere. A million reasons. But getting a request for more info is not a good thing or a bad thing, it’s just more info needed, that’s all.