USC Class of 2024 Applicants Thread

@bananabread431 Thanks! I think it arrived at around 4:30.

Thanks @Neontetra! And congrats - it must be a great night at your place. Good luck to your S in the interviews! Enjoy that very special day at USC, Explore is so great.

Portal indicated that completed all the necessary docs except CSS file on FAST that I thought I could do it later…is it may affects on my merit scholarship decision?

CSS due Feb 13. Not related to merit.

Thank you very much…I feel a lot better…nothing to blame now though…kk

My daughter got her acceptance package in the mail today in Orange County, CA. She was even selected to go interview for a “Mork Family and Trustee” full tuition scholarship - that’s the only way we’d be able to afford USC!

So they do it “for the children”?

Congrats, @KevinFromOC!
So sounds like they do provide the specific scholarship info in some cases.
Do you mind sharing the stats?

@Neontetra Thousand Oaks is RIGHT on the border for USPS 1 day priority mail. Looks like everyone (or almost everyone) in the LA area who is getting one should have gotten it yesterday. Congratulations! You should be super proud.

@KevinFromOC --congrats to your daughter! @TheVulcan you might be the only person on CC that doesn’t know KevinfromOC’s daughter’s story. He has to hold the title of most popular thread this year… Glad to hear she’s in the mix for USC. Crossing fingers for her!

International student here… the anticipation is killing me!! Are we sure that they do send out white boxes for internationals, as most schools don’t. I mean I was admitted to 6 schools, not one of them has sent anything in the mail ever.

Haha. I see. I am new here and only stick to the school specific threads around decision time. I remember seeing that thread, but I didn’t delve in, so the name didn’t stick.

Future readers of this thread are likely not going to know his daughter’s story also. Wouldn’t it be useful if those posting acceptances provided basic stats/ECs/demographics/other acceptances here, like is common in other schools’ threads?

Congrats again, @KevinFromOC.

Anyone get informed delivery mysterious package?

@TheVulcan the excitement of it all is what the metaphor referred to lol. Those that get the box get it, it’s very special compared to an email update. Slower and with more angst, but for the lucky few, it’s amazing. And for these 1100, getting in this early and not waiting till March is great.

There is a stats only thread that usually gets rolling at some point but most people are still enjoying their new big present (ha) and not concerned about filling that all out for now. Plus USC stat info isn’t that helpful, being that more than 3000 with pretty much perfect scores are declined. It’s just too holistic to have a formula. UCs are way more predictable than USC for example. There is a great class profile you can google for the scores and gpa stuff. But it is the sum of so many parts of the application, particularly at USC. There are past stats threads on here that do have many posts, that a lot of people refer to during app time.

It does not refer to specific scholarship — the wording is generic to include those that poster mentioned…”These include the Mork Family and Trustee full tuition scholarships, worth nearly $58,000 each year, and the President…“ everyone gets that.

today day of reckoning at our house. Sister got white box 3 yrs ago, is at usc and loves it. I really want this d2 at usc too. Has been such a good experience for d1, but if d2 does not get in with the same or better scholarship she’ll go elsewhere out of pride. She did get into UNC-CH yesterday oos so I may have two kids on opposite coasts

Couldn’t all of this be said about lots of other schools?

E.g. MIT rejects its fair share of high stats applicants, and their silver cylinder is a pretty darn special parcel by some accounts, but they still announce all the decisions online at a pre-announced quirkily chosen time (with Caltech always trying to beat them by a few minutes:), and people still share stats.

I know my kid would rather find out his decisions ASAP than be treated like a 4 year old;) (Though we are not particularly sweating at this point)

@CADREAMIN I live in the West Covina ish area, is it false hope to hope that I’ll get a package today if I didn’t get one yesterday? Or am I completely out of the running you think?

I guess they are trying to entice more people to visit campus. Someone is a lot more likely to fly in if they think they are in the running for 50K+ than if they are for only half that.

I think you have to experience it to understand it. I have always said this is the best thing ever for those that get the package, but for the other 40,000 that don’t, it’s not so great.

But they have another shot in March.
