USC Class of 2024 Applicants Thread

ugh. did not receive scholarship consideration. :frowning:

Man I got that email too… that sucks. I will probably get 1/2 tuition for NMF if they accept me in March but I just wanted to get the waiting over

My daughter received the not selected for further consideration for these awards (Mork Family, Trustee, and Presidential). But will still be considered for other scholarships.

So our wait continues.

Got the email too. It’s over until March unfortunately?.
37,000 applied in time for scholarships, 1,000 received packages. 6,500 more spots open.

There goes all the excitement about getting/not getting the box. Wonder why the big change up this year with the portals updating first and the emails to check the portal (and why even bother with the box if it’s all online first.) ??‍♀️

@Marcie123 yes she would be eligible for McCarthy. I’d recommend sign up for housing as soon as the early admits are allowed. It costs around $50 to register (which you lose if she goes elsewhere). Housing assignments are done later (like early May) but it’s based on when you register for housing. I believe the honors dorm assignments also take scholarship level into consideration (so like Trustee at the top). Also always put another dorm as the last choice in case you don’t get McCarthy.

Anyone kno what else they base these scholarships off of? I have full scores in IB, ACT and SAT 2s so a bit bummed haha

Yes @KevinFromOC!

you got it, I pulled my post down cause it had so many figures in there I thought it may confuse others more than help, but you got it.

Bottom line is this:
$220,000+ is a lot of money and a flight to me would be worth taking the chance of getting that. Your D seems like a rockstar, no reason to think she wouldn’t excel at the interviews. Plan the flight well (Watch for Southwest sales going on now, easy to change/cancel - holding funds to use over next year.) Get the reimbursement from USC for $200 of it.

Sorry, I didn’t go through your thread (I had loggon issues for about a month when they changed the system so I am behind.) Has your D been to USC, is it a “dream” (not fan of term but you know what I mean) or has this so far been more about a money search? Either way fine, just trying to guage if her heart is really in it, or if it is another school on a long list, so I can give you some guidance.

Visiting the school (especially USC) if they haven’t been can really have an impact. I hope she gets to see and experience Explore. I’m confused, package came to OC in which case you all know USC well I suppose, I thought I saw mention of her in MA. Maybe at school there? Will try to catch up on your thread but I’m out and about now!

@CalDreamin…Totally agree. If you aren’t going to send the boxes priority overnight, why bother with the boxes in the first place when most of the students accepted outside SoCal will find out through email/portal. Either spend the extra money for next day delivery or just send email notifications.

@cruisinlikenemo the scholarship decisions are holistic. Everyone accepted to USC has something special. Btw is your username is from a BTS song?!!

Norcal - got the ‘no scholarship’ email. Forms section is back up on portal.
Fingers crossed for March. Good luck to everyone else today. And congratulations to those who already got in.

SoCal here. Still no package or portal update. Mail hasn’t arrived yet today though.

Here’s to a rainfall of gold for us all here, come March!

I thought their email was good even if disappointing. Very clear and gave stats and a link for possible other scholarships and reminded if you are no longer interested to withdraw.

@TreeAlum YES indeed it issssssss haha, you know them?? And yeah I was pretty happy with my app in terms of essays and ECs (but that’s just me lol) so a little sad, starting to second guess my reaches lolllll


Definitely URM status helps. The only person I know locally who received one had that and stats were not high. So institutional priorities matter too.

@CADREAMIN Does USC grant any scholarships/scholarship consideration for National Hispanic Scholars?

Ya, this execution was a mess. The portal update was initially planned for Sunday after the majority of the packages were received. I honestly wonder if they meant it to go at 9:30am Sunday (which is when it happened last year). While it is fantastic to give people closure instead of having to wait another torture filled 24 hours, why not just update the portal Thursday, then mail the dang boxes? Frankly, it seems like a bit of a goof.

Very few got the benefit of the delivery surprise, so they might as well toast that idea and move to pure online notification, followed by mailing. Perhaps this was just a half-baked trial run? Will see how March goes (as it follows same plan except they instagram when the thousands of packages leave USC, then update portal on the same third day after mailing).

Glad I was part of many mailbox moments just like those sappy commericals, and it sounds like some had that yesterday. For those that got good news, I’m sure they aren’t worried about the details of notification anymore.

Congrats all accepted! And to those waiting for March and on other schools - go live your life and enjoy senior year! Don’t miss it worrying about what your potential results are every minute. What will be will be at this point. Keep grades up but have some senior fun!

Hey @TreeAlum!

Bay Area, mail hasn’t come yet, but received no scholarship email. So no drama waiting to see if there’s a white box. Can’t afford USC without a scholarship so onward and upward. Congrats to all who got in!

My daughter received the email that she’s not being considered for the scholarships, however, “Deans” is not listed. Remaining hopeful that she has a shot at that. Wonder if there is a chance she would find out before March?