USC Class of 2024 Applicants Thread

Will likely be the week of March 23.

So does anyone know anyone who got in for SCA with merit?

Wondering what the chances are for a NMF who didn’t get a scholarship this time around to be admitted come March. Saw someone say that only about 100 extra NMF Presidential scholarships are added on to the 200ish admitted in January, doesn’t seem like great odds

Be cautious about the Facebook group called “USC Class of 2024” that has an outside entity, “University & College” as admin. The FB group that is linked to on the portal is called, “USC Fall 2020 First-Year Admits”

Also, the portal was updated with a line asking students to share on social media with the hashtag #IGotIntoUSC

Best to you my fellow dreamer!

By reading the email it looks like you only get anything big from finalists of NMS, which requires a higher SAT than national hispanic scholar, so I doubt nhs gets anything like that…

@AbLindsay my son received the deans last year in March. It was not in his white box or on his portal the first day It was updated. He received an email on the Monday after the portal update informing him of the deans scholarship. So he heard at the end of March, not any sooner.

Still no update positive or negative…seems like everyone was right about Thornton operating on a different schedule! Well, good luck to everyone auditioning this weekend (including me lol) and I hope to receive good news later…

Congrats to all accepted this weekend!!! And best of luck in March to those who are a bit bummed :confused: It stinks but there is still financial aid to be had.

So now that that’s over with, anyone have some info about financial aid? I feel like I at least have a shot of getting in but would definitely need aid in order to attend. Thanks for the updates this week!

@cruisinlikenemo oh yeah I know the song haha. I’m big ARMY (so is my USC daughter) but I didn’t want to assume. I’m actually sitting here watching BTS videos on YouTube lol. I hope your college admissions go the way you want.

@TreeAlum That’s amazing!! So am I :slight_smile: That randomly made me kind of happy haha. Thank you!!

@FrenchLilyPoppy have you run the NPC? That will give you a good sense of aid, plus or minus some smaller add on scholarships. It’s pretty accurate minus those dept. specific etc. add ons, or possibly Deans if those aren’t allocated yet.

USC is not a no-loan needs-met institution, so if you gain admittance to one of those schools it could well be less expensive. My D loved USC but Brown was 12K cheaper/year (even with USC half-schol) for our situation, so that was that. Depending on your state your public uni may also be your best bet; we are hoping for some UC love now for my son haha. Good luck!

Daughter in India (International Applicant) got the email about 12 EST today… Mail mentions "A scholarship interview will be the next step in competing for a full or half tuition award. "

The portal has buttons to register for on campus interview on specific days in Feb and March. It does mention that “While we prefer students come to campus to interview in person, we understand that this is not always possible. We are able to offer alternative interview options in cases where traveling to campus is not feasible for financial or logistical reasons. You may click here to fill out the form to request an exception, and we will do our best to find a solution.”

I was wondering that traveling from other end of the globe (about 12 hours time zone difference) is impractical, but the portal seems to treat internationals and US students the same way. Not appearing for the interview in person might show “lack of interest”?

Does anyone know if there is a Facebook group for admitted students? Congrats to everyone who got in!

@isru2050 while I would say that could it could be perceived as lack of interest from someone in the US and certainly in the western US, coming all the way from India is certainly not expected. But it would also be quite the power play!

Alternatively, your daughter just has to be able to express passion and love and contribution to USC in an online interview. Have her practice with family/friends/teachers/work friends of yours - anyone that will help her.

Good luck!


Hello, everyone! I was just accepted into the WBB program today :). Congratulations to all of you who were accepted. I was curious as to what happens with the merit scholarships because on my acceptance, it says I am being considered for the half/full tuition scholarship. Most people aren’t told which scholarship they are interviewing for… at least that’s what I’ve seen on this thread. Does this mean I can’t be considered for the higher scholarships? Does this mean I am guaranteed the half tuition scholarship if I interview (assuming I don’t screw it up)? Will my scholarship compound with my financial aid award once I receive it? Please let me know if anyone has information regarding these questions. This is my first post here btw. You guys have a great community :slight_smile:

My kid received email acceptance with invitation to interview for full/half scholarship but not the mailed packet. We live in a one-day USPS service area.


Calling @AggieMom68 - she knows everything re WBB and super helpful.

(This time I have it right aggiemom!)

Did anyone else get the email from Thornton last night saying that all applications are still being reviewed and no decisions have been made yet? I applied for music industry which usually comes out at the same time as all the other scholarship decisions so are they doing it differently this year??